
0.0.3 • Public • Published

This is a WIP. Right now the return object will most of the time be unusuable

My intention is the following: jgpt.includes("Hello, World!", "World", 7) -- GPT Response: true

Current output: jgpt.includes("Hello, World!", "World", 7) -- GPT Response: Sure! Here's a Python code snip...

JGPT Documentation

JGPT leverages OpenAI's GPT models to allow developers to use natural language processing (NLP) directly within JavaScript. It emphasizes idea over syntax, providing a more intuitive approach to programming.


Before using JGPT, you must obtain a valid API key from OpenAI and understand OpenAI's pricing details.


class JGPT

The main class that holds all the methods for interacting with natural language.


constructor(apiKey, orgId)
  • apiKey (String) - Your OpenAI API key.
  • orgId (String) - Your OpenAI organization ID.


Custom Methods
  • command(object, command) This method takes an object and a command as inputs and sends them as a part of a prompt to the GPT model. The object is serialized into a JSON string, and the command is concatenated to form the complete prompt. It then awaits the response from the model.

  • talk(prompt) This method takes a prompt as input and sends it to the GPT model. It is a straightforward way to engage in a conversation with the model, providing the prompt and awaiting the response.

String Methods

String Methods

  • includes(string, searchString, position): Checks if a string includes another at a specific position.
  • indexOf(string, searchValue, fromIndex): Finds the index of a value in a string.
  • lastIndexOf(string, searchValue, fromIndex): Finds the last index of a value in a string.
  • match(string, regexp): Matches a string with a regular expression.
  • replace(string, searchValue, replaceValue): Replaces a value in a string with another.
  • slice(string, beginIndex, endIndex): Slices a string between two indices.
  • split(string, separator, limit): Splits a string by a separator with an optional limit.
  • substr(string, start, length): Gets a substring starting at a specific index with a specific length.
  • toUpperCase(string): Converts a string to uppercase.
  • toLowerCase(string): Converts a string to lowercase.
  • trim(string): Trims whitespace from a string.
Array Methods
  • concat(array, ...values): Concatenates values to an array.
  • every(array, callback): Checks every element with a callback.
  • filter(array, callback): Filters an array with a callback.
  • find(array, callback): Finds an element in an array with a callback.
  • findIndex(array, callback): Finds an index in an array with a callback.
  • forEach(array, callback): Applies a callback to each element in an array.
  • indexOf(array, searchElement, fromIndex): Finds the index of a value in an array.
  • join(array, separator): Joins an array with a separator.
  • lastIndexOf(array, searchElement, fromIndex): Finds the last index of a value in an array.
  • map(array, callback): Maps an array with a callback.
  • pop(array): Pops the last element from an array.
  • push(array, ...elements): Pushes elements to an array.
  • reduce(array, callback, initialValue): Reduces an array with a callback and initial value.
  • reverse(array): Reverses an array.
  • shift(array): Shifts the first element from an array.
  • slice(array, beginIndex, endIndex): Slices an array between two indices.
  • some(array, callback): Checks if some elements in an array satisfy a callback.
  • sort(array, compareFunction): Sorts an array with a compare function.
  • splice(array, start, deleteCount, ...items): Splices an array starting at an index, deleting a count, inserting items.
  • unshift(array, ...elements): Unshifts elements to an array.
Number Methods
  • toExponential(number, fractionDigits): Converts to exponential form with specific fraction digits.
  • toFixed(number, digits): Fixes to specific decimal places.
  • toLocaleString(number, locales, options): Converts to a locale string with locales and options.
  • toPrecision(number, precision): Converts to a specific precision.
Date Methods
  • getDate(date): Gets the date.
  • getDay(date): Gets the day.
  • getFullYear(date): Gets the full year.
  • getHours(date): Gets the hours.
  • getMilliseconds(date): Gets the milliseconds.
  • getMinutes(date): Gets the minutes.
  • getMonth(date): Gets the month.
  • getSeconds(date): Gets the seconds.
  • getTime(date): Gets the time.

class Conversation

A helper class to manage ongoing conversations with JGPT.


  • continueConversation(context): Continues a conversation with JGPT.
  • start(context): Starts a new conversation with JGPT.

Usage Example

const JGPT = require('jgpt');
const jgpt = new JGPT('your-api-key', 'your-org-id');
jgpt.includes("Hello, World!", "World", 7).then(result => console.log(result.javascriptOutput));


JGPT offers a unique way to interact with JavaScript using natural language, making development more approachable and user-friendly. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, JGPT brings the power of AI-driven language models directly to your JavaScript environment.




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