Ban console from being called in Jest tests.
How to use
First, install into your project:
$ npm install --save-dev jest-ban-console || yarn add --dev jest-ban-console
Then, ban console from individual tests:
import { jestBanConsole } from "jest-ban-console";
describe("your module", () => {
If you want to enforce this across all of your tests, run it in your setupTests.js
or similar:
import { jestBanConsole } from "jest-ban-console";
installConsoleProxy: () => void
Installs the proxy console for intercepting calls to the console. Also clears any mock calls on the proxy.
clearConsole: () => void
Clears any mock calls on the console.
expectConsoleBan: () => void
Checks all of the console methods to see if any of them have been called. If so, throws an AggregateError
with an array of errors for each console method called.
resetConsole: () => void
Resets the global console back to the real console implementation.