A package for transforming Jabuti code into other languages.
Pending tasks
[ ] Add formats on hover of MessageContent
[ ] MaxNumberOfOperation(24 per Second)
[ ] Add validation for quantity of terms in clause
[ ] Two error messages
[ ] Two terms of requests
[ ] It's not possible two terms in a clause with same operation type
[ ] It's not possible a timeout in request clause
Tests Scenarios
[ ] A term with TimeInterval("00:00:00" to "23:59:59")
[ ] Transformation of contract with all possible variations
MessageContent('xpath') MessageContent('xpath', '>=', 1) MessageContent('xpath', '=='|'!=' , 'aa') MessageContent('xpath', '<=', 00 per Month) MessageContent(productValue < 20000) MessageContent(productValue > 20000)
timeInterval_C1[0].isIntoTimeInterval(_accessTime) TimeInterval("00:00:00" to "23:59:59"), // 0, 86399 WeekDaysInterval(Monday to Sunday),
TimeInterval("00:00:00" to "23:59:59")
- Convert hour strings for time in seconds
function convertTimeStringToSeconds(time: string) {
const [hour, minute, seconds] = time.split(':');
return +(hour ?? 0) * 3600 + +(minute ?? 0) * 60 + +(seconds ?? 0);
const initial = convertTimeStringToSeconds("00:00:00");
const final = convertTimeStringToSeconds("23:59:59");
contract Sample {
function isIntoTimeInterval(uint32 initial, uint32 final) {
npx prettier --write --plugin=prettier-plugin-solidity 'sample.sol' npx prettier --list-different --plugin=prettier-plugin-solidity 'sample.sol'