
1.0.0 • Public • Published


JReportServer - JavaScript client for j_report_server No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install j_report_server --save
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your j_report_server from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

You should now be able to require('j_report_server') in javascript files from the directory you ran the last command above from.


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/j_report_server then install it via:

    npm install YOUR_USERNAME/j_report_server --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually use this library):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var JReportServer = require('j_report_server');

var defaultClient = JReportServer.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: user_auth
var user_auth = defaultClient.authentications['user_auth'];
user_auth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
user_auth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new JReportServer.BVApi()

var opts = { 
  'bvName': "bvName_example", // {String} The business view name.
  'dsName': "dsName_example", // {String} The data source name.
  'path': "path_example", // {String} The server resource path.
  'versionNumber': 56, // {Number} The version number. -1 means the latest version; 0 means that this parameter is ignored.
  'principalType': "principalType_example", // {String} The principal type.
  'principalName': "principalName_example" // {String} The principal name.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.deleteDimensionPermissionsOfBV(opts, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8888/jrserver/api/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
JReportServer.BVApi deleteDimensionPermissionsOfBV DELETE /BV/dimension/permissions Delete group object permissions in a business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVAggregations GET /BV/aggregations Get the aggregations in the business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVCategories GET /BV/categories Get the categories in the business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVDetails GET /BV/details Get the detail objects in the business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVDimension GET /BV/dimension Get the group object in the business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVDimensions GET /BV/dimensions Get the group objects in the business view.
JReportServer.BVApi getBVsInCatalog GET /BVs Get the business views in a catalog.
JReportServer.BVApi getDimensionPermission GET /BV/dimension/permission Get the permission of a group object.
JReportServer.BVApi getDimensionPermissionsOfBV GET /BV/dimension/permissions Get group object permissions in a business view.
JReportServer.BVApi setDimensionPermission PUT /BV/dimension/permission Set the permission of a group object.
JReportServer.BVApi setDimensionPermissionsOfBV PUT /BV/dimension/permissions Set group object permissions in a business view.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi addDashboardProfile POST /profilelist/dashboard Add a profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi addPageStudioProfile POST /profilelist/pagestudio Add a profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi addWebStudioProfile POST /profilelist/webstudio Add a profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi deleteDashboardProfile DELETE /profile/dashboard Delete the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi deletePageStudioProfile DELETE /profile/pagestudio Delete the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi deleteWebStudioProfile DELETE /profile/webstudio Delete the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getDashboardProfileProperties GET /profile/dashboard Get the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getDashboardProfiles GET /profilelist/dashboard Get the profiles.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getDefaultServerPreference GET /preference/default/server Get the default preference of the server.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getDefaultViewerPreference GET /preference/default/viewer Get the default preference of JReport Viewer..
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getPageStudioProfileProperties GET /profile/pagestudio Get the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getPageStudioProfiles GET /profilelist/pagestudio Get the profiles.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getUserServerPreference GET /preference/server Get the user preference of the server.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getUserViewerPreference GET /preference/viewer Get the user preference of JReport Viewer.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getWebStudioProfileProperties GET /profile/webstudio Get the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi getWebStudioProfiles GET /profilelist/webstudio Get the profiles.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi setDefaultServerPreference PUT /preference/default/server Set the default preference of the server.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi setDefaultViewerPreference PUT /preference/default/viewer Set the default preference of JReport Viewer..
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi setUserServerPreference PUT /preference/server Set the user preference of the server.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi setUserViewerPreference PUT /preference/viewer Get the user preference of JReport Viewer.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi updateDashboardProfile PUT /profile/dashboard Update the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi updatePageStudioProfile PUT /profile/pagestudio Update the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ConfigurationApi updateWebStudioProfile PUT /profile/webstudio Update the properties of the profile.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi deleteNodePermissionsByPath DELETE /node/permissions Delete principals' permissions on the node/version.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodeByPath GET /node Get the node properties by the server resource path.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodeInheritedPermissionsByPath GET /node/inheritedPermissions Get inherited permissions on the node for principals.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodeListInFolder GET /nodes/list Get the node name list in a folder and filter by specified node types.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodePermissionForUser GET /node/permission Get permission of node/version by the server resource path for the specified user. If the userName is not specified then return permission of the user of the user session.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodePermissionsByPath GET /node/permissions Get principals' permissions on the node/version by the server resource path.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getNodesInFolder GET /nodes Get the nodes in a folder and filter by specified node types.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getResultVersionNumberListOfReport GET /resultVersions/list Get the result version number list of a report resource.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getResultVersionOfReport GET /resultVersion Get the properties of a report result version by the version number.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getResultVersionsOfReport GET /resultVersions Get the result versions of a report resource.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getVersionByNumber GET /version Get the properties of a version by the version number.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getVersionNumberListOfResource GET /versions/list Get the version number list of a server resource.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi getVersionsOfResource GET /versions Get the versions of a server resource.
JReportServer.ResourceTreeApi setNodePermissionsByPath PUT /node/permissions Set principals' permissions on the node/version.
JReportServer.SecurityApi addGroupMembers POST /group/members Add group members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi addRoleMembers POST /role/members Add the role members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi changeUserPassword PUT /user/password Change a user's password.
JReportServer.SecurityApi createGroup POST /groups Create a new group.
JReportServer.SecurityApi createRole POST /roles Create a new role.
JReportServer.SecurityApi createUser POST /users Create a new user.
JReportServer.SecurityApi deleteGroup DELETE /group Delete a group.
JReportServer.SecurityApi deleteGroupMembers DELETE /group/members Delete the group members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi deleteRole DELETE /role Delete a role.
JReportServer.SecurityApi deleteRoleMembers DELETE /role/members Delete the role members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi deleteUser DELETE /user Delete a user account.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getGroupList GET /groups Get the group list.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getGroupMembers GET /group/members Get the group members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getGroupPrivileges GET /group/privileges Get the group privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getGroupsOfUser GET /user/groups Get the groups of the user.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getRoleList GET /roles Get the role list.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getRoleMembers GET /role/members Get the members.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getRolePrivileges GET /role/privileges Get the role privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getRolesOfUser GET /user/roles Get the roles of the user.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getUserList GET /users Get the user list.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getUserPrivileges GET /user/privileges Get the user privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi getUserProperties GET /user Get the user properties.
JReportServer.SecurityApi updateGroupPrivileges PUT /group/privileges Update the group privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi updateRolePrivileges PUT /role/privileges Update the role privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi updateUserPrivileges PUT /user/privileges Update the user privileges.
JReportServer.SecurityApi updateUserProperties PUT /user Update the user properties.
JReportServer.TaskApi submitScheduledTask POST /myTasks/scheduled Submit the scheduled task.
JReportServer.TaskApi viewReportTask POST /myTasks/ondemand View the report task.
JReportServer.UserSessionApi getCurrentUserSession GET /session Get the current user session.
JReportServer.UserSessionApi login POST /session Create new user session (login).
JReportServer.UserSessionApi logout DELETE /session Delete the current user session (logout).
JReportServer.UserSessionApi setSessionTimeout PUT /session/timeout Set session timeout in seconds. A negative time indicates the session should never timeout.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication




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