Simple authentication management module for izisoft web application.
$ npm install izi-auth
Module operates on provided mongoose user model that should realize following schema:
User: {
_id: ObjectId,
provider: String,
email: String,
password: String,
id: String,
token: String
name: String,
generateHash: function(password),
verifyPassword: function(password),
initialize: function(request || undefined)
To initialize strategies module reads given izi-config object which should contain:
Config: {
logger: Object,
auth: {
url: {
success: String || "/",
login: String,
signup: String
flash: Boolean || true,
oauth: {
facebook: {
id: String,
secret: String,
url: String,
opts: Object
google: {
id: String,
secret: String,
url: String,
opts: Object
twitter: {
id: String,
secret: String,
url: String,
opts: Object || {}
var auth = require('izi-auth');
auth.init(UserModel, config);