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A basic ITP/TOP file parser

Getting started

Install the package using npm.

npm i itp-parser

This package exports two objects: ItpFile and TopFile, whose have obvious usages. Default export is ItpFile.

// ECMA Modules
import ItpFile, { TopFile } from 'itp-parser';
// or
import { ItpFile, TopFile } from 'itp-parser';

// CommonJS modules
const { ItpFile, TopFile } = require('itp-parser');

Use target of ItpFile and TopFile instances

ItpFile instance

  • Hold a single molecule definition
  • None or one moleculetype field per instance

TopFile instance

  • From a molecules field, associate every described molecule to a ItpFile instance
  • System name


A word about the parser

This parser handle only basic parsing: It does not resolve includes, and it does not consider #define, #ifdef or other preprocessor statements.

Lines that contains those preprocessors are stored as plain lines in field definitions.

To have a support of includes and basic support of preprocessors, see AdvancedTopFile object.

About accepted types for ITP instanciation

Async instanciation accepts string (as file path), NodeJS.ReadableStream and File/Blob objects (from browser).

Sync instanciation accepts string (as file content).

Read an ITP with none/single moleculetype field

The following sections will talk about the ItpFile object.

If you know that your ITP file does not contain a molecule (moleculetype) definition, or contains only one definition, use or ItpFile.readFromString() as constructor.

import { ItpFile } from 'itp-parser';
import fs from 'fs';

// Read asynchrounously
(async () => {
  // Single line instanciation
  // With file path
  const file = await'/path/to/file');
  // With a readable stream
  const file = await'/path/to/file'));
  // With a File/Blob (inside a browser)
  const file = await'input[type="file"]').files[0]);

  console.log("This ITP hold moleculetype",;
  // {file} is ready !

// Read synchronously
const file = ItpFile.readFromString(fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file.itp', 'utf-8'));
// {file} is ready

Read an ITP with none/single/multiple moleculetype field

If your ITP contain multiple molecule definitions, or if you don't know how many moleculetype are presents in the targeted ITP, use ItpFile.readMany() or ItpFile.readManyFromString() as constructor.

It both returns a array of ItpFile, once per moleculetype definition.

If the ITP does not contain any moleculetype, an array of one ItpFile is returned.

import { ItpFile } from 'itp-parser';

// Asynchrounously
(async () => {
  const itps = await ItpFile.readMany('/path/to/file');

  for (const itp of itps) {
    console.log("ITP: moleculetype",;

  // All itps are ready !

// Read synchronously
const itps = ItpFile.readManyFromString(fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file.itp', 'utf-8'));

Access a field

Every field is an array of strings (array of lines).

file.getField('{field_name}'); // => string[] (every line contained in the field. Empty lines are skipped.)

// For example: Access to all atoms

// Get a field without the lines that are only comments
file.getField('atoms', true);


Some fields have direct accessor:; // Name/Type. Read from moleculetype
file.name_and_nrexcl; // => [string, number]. parsed version of file.getField('moleculetype')
file.atoms; // string[]. Equivalent to file.getField('atoms')
file.bonds; // string[]. Equivalent to file.getField('bonds')
file.virtual_sites; // string[]. Equivalent to file.getField('virtual_sitesn')

Access to data before every field

Lines read before encountering a single field declaration are stored in .headlines.

file.headlines; // => string[]

Write ITPs

You can change data of a field with .setField(name, lines) and create a read stream of this ITP with .asReadStream().

import fs from 'fs';

// Change the atom field with modified data
file.setField('atoms', file.atoms.filter(line => line.split(/\s+/).length > 3));

// Write the new ITP
const writestm = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/output.itp');

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  const reads = file.asReadStream();

  reads.on('close', resolve);
  reads.on('error', reject);
  writestm.on('error', reject);
}).then(() => {
  console.log("Write is over !");
}).catch(e => {
  console.log("An error occured.", e);

A .toString() method is also available to return the formatted ITP as a plain string.

const file_as_string = file.toString(); // or String(file)

fs.writeFileSync('/path/to/output.itp', file_as_string);

Read a full system with a TOP file and ITPs

The following sections will talk about the TopFile object.

With the TopFile object, you can read a TOP file and associated ITPs.

In order to link moleculetype described in molecules field of TOP with ITP data, you either:

  • Have to manually resolve the included files before reading the TOP file, and specify ITP files in constructor
  • Sideload manually the ITPs
// Asynchronously
const top = await'/path/to/top', ['/path/to/itp1', '/path/to/itp2']);

// Synchronously
const top = TopFile.readFromString(
  fs.readFileSync('/path/to/top', 'utf-8'), 
    fs.readFileSync('/path/to/itp1', 'utf-8'),
    fs.readFileSync('/path/to/itp2', 'utf-8'),

// {top} is ready !

List molecules of a system

for (const molecule of top.molecules) {
  console.log("Molecule", molecule.type, ":", molecule.count, "times in the system");

Sideload ITPs in a system

When you know which moleculetype is present in the system, you can load inside the TopFile instance the ITPs you want.

// Asynchronously
await top.sideloadItp('/path/to/itp');

// Synchronously
top.sideloadItpFromString(fs.readFileSync('/path/to/itp', 'utf-8'));

For example, if your system contain DPPC:

// If your file contains multiple moleculetype, they're all parsed in async mode
await top.sideloadItp('lipids.itp');

top.molecules.filter(e => e.type === "DPPC")[0].itp; // => ItpFile

Get a molecule by name in a system

A molecule can be described multiple times in a system, for example:

[ molecules ]
molecule_0  2
molecule_1  3
molecule_0  1

is a valid format for GROMACS. For this reason, a molecule type can be present multiple time in the top.molecules array.

top.molecules is an array of MoleculeDefinition.

interface MoleculeDefinition {
  itp: ItpFile, 
  count: number, 
  type: string 

The first string is the molecule type, and the MoleculeDefinition is an object containing two fields:

  • itp: Contains the related ItpFile for this molecule type
  • count: Associated count of the molecule type, number on the right in example

In order to access ItpFile instance, you must provide the ITP for the given moleculetype in the constructor.

const molecules = top.molecules.filter(e => e.type === "DPPC");

if (molecules) {
  console.log("Molecule DPPC is present", molecules.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.count, 0), "times in the system");

The TopFile instance inherits from ItpFile, so all methods presented before are accessible with.

Advanced TOP parser

AdvancedTopFile have a similar API of TopFile, except some points.

Therefore, unlike the other classes, you must instanciate it with the constructor then using .read(what: ReadEntry, onInclude: Includer).

This class accepts files with a ReadEntry partial object.

interface ReadEntry {
  path: string;
  stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream; 
  content: string;
  file: Blob;
  /** Only valid on return of a `on_include` closure. */
  none: true;

To specify which file you want to load, fill only one of the properties of the object.

In order to resolve includes, you must specify a callback (async or not) that returns a ReadEntry as the second parameter of .read method.

type Includer = (filename: string) => Partial<ReadEntry> | Promise<Partial<ReadEntry>>;

Let's see how it works with an example:

import { AdvancedTopFile } from 'itp-parser';
import fs, { promises as FsPromise } from 'fs';

const top = new AdvancedTopFile(/* enable_preprocessors = */ true);

  /* the file to read */ { path: '/path/to/' },
  /* when a file is included */ 
  async (name: string) => {
    const exists = await FsPromise.access(name, fs.F_OK)
      .then(() => true)
      .catch(() => false);

    if (exists) {
      // If file exists, include it as path
      return { path: name };
    // Otherwise, fill the none field (do not include it)
    return { none: true };

// Your whole system described by is ready, 
// even included files are resolved !

The following methods/properties are available:

  • .define(name: string): To do before .read(); Define a macro, like #define NAME in a ITP file
  • All the methods of ItpFile, this object inherits from it
  • The same as TopFile:
    • .registred_itps: A Set of all molecules as ItpFiles
    • .molecules: A MoleculeDefinition array
    • .name: Name of the system
    • .getMolecule(name: string): A MoleculeDefinition array containing all occurence of molecule {name}
  • .includes: All the #include lines (they're not inside the fields arrays, so you can find them here)
  • .toString() and .asReadStream(): a string/stream.Readable representation of the system; all included files are emitted in the stream, so the system could be written a a single file


This module is written in TypeScript. In order to use it, you must have the TypeScript compiler installed.

git clone
cd itp-parser
npm i
# Compiled JS entrypoint is in dist/index.js




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