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Iterations NodeJS Package

Simple method for mathematical iteratives

Iterations JS is a simple package that is able to create mathematical iterative objects based on recursive formulas, e.g. fibonacci, etc.

It is extremely easy to use this library in a Node.js project.

First, navigate to a terminal with nodeJS and npm installed, and type in:

$ npm install iterations

Then, you can navigate to a javascript file in your directory, where you can use the object as such:


const iter = require('iterations')

Then, to create an iterable object, you must initialize it with the initial value of the recursive sequence. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Create an object and initialize at the same time.
    • This is a better idea if you are planning to run the process without any user input.


const Iter = require('iterations')
let i = new Iter(20)
// This initializes a new iterative object i with the value 20
  • Create an object and initialize at a later time.
    • This may be preferred if user input must be taken at a later time.


const iter = require('iterations')
const i = new Iter()

// Code here
//i is not yet initialized

// i is now initialized

Keep in mind that any other iteratives tasks fail if i is not initialized.

Refer to /examples/collatz.js and /examples/fibonacci.js in the GitHub repo for more context (keep in mind that you will have to change the local-based require tags to properly get functionality.)

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  • agarmu