
2.0.6 • Public • Published

ISNCSCI Algorithm

This algorithm is designed to produce a spinal cord injury classification consistent with the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury developed and maintained by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA).

Table of Contents

Import library

Using on a browser (unpkg)

<!-- using IIFE -->
<!-- defines ISNCSCI on window object -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- using ES module -->
<script type="module">
  // using default import
  import ISNCSCI from ""
  // using named import
  import { ISNCSCI } from ""

Using in JavaScript projects

Install library using NPM

npm i isncsci

Then import the library in your project

Named import

// Recommended with typescript
import { ISNCSCI, Exam } from 'isncsci';

Default import

import ISNCSCI from 'isncsci';


const { ISNCSCI } = require("isncsci");
// or
const ISNCSCI = require("isncsci").ISNCSCI;


To get a classification and the totals, you just need pass an exam as a parameter while using the ISNCSCI constructor. Interface for exam parameter can be found below.

Below is an example in TypeScript:

// create exam
let exam: Exam = {
  deepAnalPressure: "Yes",
  voluntaryAnalContraction: "Yes",
  right: {
    lowestNonKeyMuscleWithMotorFunction: "C8",
    motor: {
      C5: "5",
      /* ... */
      S1: "2*",
    lightTouch: {
      C2: "2",
      /* ... */
      S4_5: "1*",
    pinPrick: {
      C2: "1**",
      /* ... */
      S4_5: "0",
  left: {
    motor: { /* ... */ },
    lightTouch: { /* ... */ },
    pinPrick: { /* ... */ },

// get result
let result = new ISNCSCI(exam);

// output classification result

// output totals result


Following shows the interfaces associated to Exam used for ISNCSCI constructor.

interface Exam {
  right: ExamSide;
  left: ExamSide;
  voluntaryAnalContraction: BinaryObservation;
  deepAnalPressure: BinaryObservation;

interface ExamSide {
  motor: Motor;
  lightTouch: Sensory;
  pinPrick: Sensory;
  lowestNonKeyMuscleWithMotorFunction?: MotorLevel;

interface Motor {
  C5: MotorMuscleValue;
  C6: MotorMuscleValue;
  C7: MotorMuscleValue;
  C8: MotorMuscleValue;
  T1: MotorMuscleValue;
  L2: MotorMuscleValue;
  L3: MotorMuscleValue;
  L4: MotorMuscleValue;
  L5: MotorMuscleValue;
  S1: MotorMuscleValue;

interface Sensory {
  C2: SensoryPointValue;
  C3: SensoryPointValue;
  C4: SensoryPointValue;
  C5: SensoryPointValue;
  C6: SensoryPointValue;
  C7: SensoryPointValue;
  C8: SensoryPointValue;
  T1: SensoryPointValue;
  T2: SensoryPointValue;
  T3: SensoryPointValue;
  T4: SensoryPointValue;
  T5: SensoryPointValue;
  T6: SensoryPointValue;
  T7: SensoryPointValue;
  T8: SensoryPointValue;
  T9: SensoryPointValue;
  T10: SensoryPointValue;
  T11: SensoryPointValue;
  T12: SensoryPointValue;
  L1: SensoryPointValue;
  L2: SensoryPointValue;
  L3: SensoryPointValue;
  L4: SensoryPointValue;
  L5: SensoryPointValue;
  S1: SensoryPointValue;
  S2: SensoryPointValue;
  S3: SensoryPointValue;
  S4_5: SensoryPointValue;


Here lists the valid values for interfaces above.

Tagged values represents impairment due to non-SCI injury. Single star (*) represents consider not normal for classification. Double star (**) represents consider normal for classification.

type BinaryObservation = 'Yes' | 'No' | 'NT';

type MotorLevel =
  'C5' | 'C6' | 'C7' | 'C8' | 'T1' |
  'L2' | 'L3' | 'L4' | 'L5' | 'S1';

type MotorMuscleValue =
  '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' |
  '0*' | '1*' | '2*' | '3*' | '4*' |
  '0**' | '1**' | '2**' | '3**' | '4**' |
  'NT' | 'NT*' | 'NT**';

type SensoryPointValue =
  '0' | '1' | '2' |
  '0*' | '1*' |
  '0**' | '1**' |
  'NT' | 'NT*' | 'NT**';


Demo files that can be used as examples are found in the demo folder.

You run *.spec.* tests using npx jest demo command. You can view the test for *.html file by opening it on any modern browser that supports ES modules.

  • demo/cjs.spec.js: demo using CommonJS syntax
  • demo/esm.spec.ts: demo using ES module and TypeScript syntax
  • demo/iife-and-esm.html: demo using ES module and IIFE on the browser

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npm i isncsci

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  • praxis-tech