This library has the intention of providing various informations about IP v4 addresses. Here are some of the features :
- Host, mask, cidr, widlcard, network, broadcast, first and last usable addresses and many more...
- Binary and decimal outputs
- Get also all the informations about sub networks.
- More to come like Class addresses, etc...
- No dependencies !
The module is written in TypeScript and type definitions files are included.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Get started
To install as a dependency :
npm install ipv4-calc
Use it like so :
// Common JS
const { IPv4 } = require('ipv4-calc')
// Module ES
import { IPv4 } from 'ipv4-calc'
const ip = new IPv4("") // OR new IPv4("")
console.log(ip.getNetworkInfo()); // Should output :
binHost: "11000000101010000000000000000001",
binMask: "11111111111111111111111110000000",
binWildCardMask: "00000000000000000000000001111111",
binNetwork: "11000000101010000000000000000000",
binBroadcast: "11000000101010000000000001111111",
binFirstAddr: "11000000101010000000000000000001",
binLastAddr: "11000000101010000000000001111110",
decHost: "",
cidr: 25,
decMask: "",
decWildCardMask: "",
decNetwork: "",
decBroadcast: "",
decFirstAddress: "",
decLastAddress: "",
numberOfUsableHosts: 126,
increment: 128,
numberOfSubNetworks: 2
console.log(ip.getSubNetworksInfo()); // Should output :
binNetwork: "11000000101010000000000000000000",
binFirstAddr: "11000000101010000000000000000001",
binLastAddr: "11000000101010000000000001111110",
binBroadcast: "11000000101010000000000001111111",
decNetwork: "",
decFirstAddr: "",
decLastAddr: "",
decBroadcast: ""
binNetwork: "11000000101010000000000010000000",
binFirstAddr: "11000000101010000000000010000001",
binLastAddr: "11000000101010000000000011111110",
binBroadcast: "11000000101010000000000011111111",
decNetwork: "",
decFirstAddr: "",
decLastAddr: "",
decBroadcast: ""
// Or get the 2 functions above in 1 call with :