
20.2.0 • Public • Published

IntegralUI Web Lite - Accordion, v20.2

IntegralUI Web Lite - Accordion is a native Web Component that allows you to organize elements in groups.

IntegralUI Web Lite - Accordion 20.2 - Native Web Component

Note This component is part of IntegralUI Web Lite.

Here is a brief overview of what is included:


Accordion - Displays a list of expandable groups in vertical layout

GroupBox - An expandable container with header and content


Common - Includes a set of common functions usable in most applications

Data - Includes a set of data related functions for different operations like: add/remove, search, etc.


Online QuickStart App - An online demo of each component included


Install the repository by running

npm install

or directly from NPM

npm i integralui-web-accordion

Open your application and add a reference to a component you want to use. For example, if you are using the IntegralUI Accordion component:


import 'integralui-web-accordion/components/integralui.accordion.js';


import IntegralUIAccordionComponent from 'integralui-web-accordion/wrappers/react.integralui.accordion.js';

Note Currently ReactJS doesn't have full support for Web Components. Mainly because of the way data is passed to the component via attributes and their own synthetic event system. For this reason, you can use available wrappers located under /wrappers directory, which are ReactJS components that provide all public API from an IntegralUI component.

Vanilla JavaScript

<script type="module" src="integralui-web-accordion/components/integralui.accordion.js"></script>

QuickStart App

There is a demo application with source code that contains samples for Accordion component. It can help you to get started quickly with learning about the components and write tests immediatelly.

From IntegralUI Web Lite - QuickStart you can download a demo app for Angular, React and Vanilla JavaScript. A detailed information about each of these quick-start demos is available in ReadMe file, located in the root folder of the demo app.

License Information

You are FREE to use this product to develop Internet and Intranet web sites, web applications and other products, with no-charge.

This project has been released under the IntegralUI Web Lite License, and may not be used except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License should have been installed in the product's root installation directory or it can be found here: License Agreement.

This SOFTWARE is provided "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.

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npm i integralui-web-accordion

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  • lidor996