Inklude is an module which provides straight-forward, powerfil functions for including Node.js Modules.
Inklude has some special features to offer:
- [x] include a directory
- [x] flag a directory as optional
- [x] aggregate multiple plain objects together
- [x] exclude a directory
- [x] filter files out
- [ ] include multiple directorys at once
- [ ] filter for specific directorys
The source is available for download from Github. Alternatively, you can install using NPM (Node Package Manager):
npm install inklude
Or you just add this line to your repository field in your package.json
and your're pretty much done.
"dependencies": {
"inklude": "1.0.0"
First you need to require the Package. After this you can just call include with two (2) parameters, like this
var options = {
dirname: process.cwd() + "/yourdir",
exclude: /^\.(git|svn)$/,
filter: /(.*)/
inklude(options, function (err, res) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!res) return callback(new Error("Something went totally wrong!!!"));
Comming soon!
The Inklude Package is open-sourced software licensed under the BSD-3-Clause