Helper functions for implementing the idle-until-urgent pattern. For detailed explanation of this pattern, see this article from Philip Walton.
// with yarn
yarn add idley
// with npm
npm install idley
// ES2015+ and TS // CommonJS
computed(fn: function): function
Creates a function that returns the result of executing the passed fn
when the browser is idle. If the result is requested and it has not been computed yet, the function will be executed immediately.
console.logfoo // 5
throttled(fn: function): function
Creates a throttled function that only invokes the passed fn
at most once when the browser is idle.
foo1foo2 // 2
debounced(fn: function): function
Creates a debounced function that delays invoking the passed fn
until the browser is idle.
foo1foo2 // 1// 2
This library relies on requestIdleCallback. It will degrade to requestAnimationFrame, or setTimeout in this order
Published under MIT Licence
(c) Yosbel Marin 2018