Ideal Postcodes - Frontend Client
This library provides a core set of API's to interact with the Ideal Postcodes API on the browser.
You may accomplish the following jobs using this library:
- Query addresses for a postcode
- Query for an address with an address fragment
- Autocomplete an address
- Lookup an address by ID
- Check key useability
Build Status & Browser Compatibility Information
This library is tested across modern desktop and mobile browers
Internet Explorer 9 and above is supported. Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 are not supported
Please see our documentation
You may install it via npm with,
npm install ideal-postcodes-core --save
You may also use Bower with,
bower install ideal-postcodes-core --save
Finally you can install it manually by copying the minified build from /dist/
Run the test suite with,
gulp test
You may test the library manually in a browser console with,
gulp webserver