
0.0.7 • Public • Published


HUnit - crossplatform unit testing framework for Haxe language with built-in mocking, stubbing and spying.


Why yet another unit testing framework?

Indeed, there are great frameworks like utest and munit already. There is no strong reason for creating another one. Short story: In the beginning I was fine with standard haxe.unit package. Then with my project growth I need some more functionality, which I implemented in some minor extensions for haxe.unit. At some point I became in need of mocking. Mockatoo was great, but did not work on all targets, so i implemented simple mocking. And so on, and so forth... Suddenly I looked at all that stuff and saw almost all haxe.unit code overriden by my 'extensions'. So I decided to separate them into standalone unit testing framework.


  • Assertions! Wow!
  • Validating exceptions;
  • Mocking, stubbing and verifying calls;
  • Easy test suite setup;
  • Grouping tests, which allows to include/exclude some tests when you want to check some specific things without running other tests.
  • Verbose failure messages;
  • All targets support.


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Basic usage

If you don't need any special configuration for your test suite, your test.hxml should look like this:

#path to your project sources
-cp src
#plug HUnit
-lib hunit
#path to the directory with test cases
#use HUnit as entry point
-main HUnit
#for better stack traces
#project specific setup
-neko Test.n

Now all you need is to write your test cases.

Advanced usage

If you need some configuration before running any tests, you can use your own entry point like this:

import hunit.TestSuite;
import hunit.TestReport;
class Test {
    static public function main () {
        //perform your setup
        //instantiate test suite
        var suite = new hunit.TestSuite();
        //add all tests in specified directory
        //this is a macro method, so you can use it on all targets
        //path should be specified relative to current .hx file
        //add some tests from other sources
        suite.add(new some.other.tests.ExampleTest());
        //start testing;
        //Finalize your testing. E.g. process test suite report
        var report : TestReport =;

Test cases

Test case classes should extend hunit.TestCase:

class SomeFeatureTest extends hunit.TestCase
    /** Setup environment before the first test in current test case */
    override public function setupTestCase (: Void { }
    /** Setup new environment before each test */
    override public function setup (: Void { }
    /** Perform some cleaning after each test */
    override public function tearDown (: Void { }
    /** Perform some cleaning after last test in this test case */
    override public function tearDownTestCase (: Void { }
    /** Show `msg` in test suite report without affecting tests results */
    public function notice (msg:String: Void { }
     * Test methods should start with `test` prefix or should be marked with `@test` meta
    public function testSomeStuff()
        var expected = 1;
        var actual   = 2 - 1;
        assert.equal(expected, actual, '2-1 and 1 should be equal');
    public function someOtherStuff()
        var expected = 'hello';
        var actual   = 'hell' + 'o';
        assert.equal(expected, actual);

Test reports

You can implement hunit.IReportWriter and pass it to hunit.TestSuite constructor to be able to create reports in xml or json or to do whatever you want with tests results.


Right now mocking is only supported for classes and interfaces. Abstracts and typedefs are candidates to be implemented. Let's imagine we want to mock following class:

class MyClass<T> {
    public var item : T;
    public function new (initial:T)
        item = initial;
    public function changeValue(newValue:T: T
        item = newValue;
        return newValue;

Now, to mock it we use mock() method of hunit.TestCase:

class MyTest extends hunit.TestCase
    public function testMocking ()
        //create mock without invoking original constructor. Pass list of type parameters as an array to second argument
        var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).get();
        //constructor was not invoked, thus `m.item` should not be initialized
        //create mock using original constructor
        var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).create('Hello, world');
        //since we invoked constructor, `m.item` should be set
        assert.equal('Hello, world', m.item);
        //ensure we created `MyClass` instance
        assert.type(MyClass, m);
        //ensure we created a mock
        assert.type(hunit.mock.IMock, m);

Mocking types with @:autoBuild macros

If you are trying to mock some type which has @:autoBuild macros you can experience random bugs and unexpected behavior. To avoid such issues check for @:mock meta in your macros and skip type building for types whith this meta.


So you want to stub some methods? Easy!

public function testStubbing ()
    var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).create('Hello');
    //`m.item` is set to 'Hello'
    assert.equal('Hello', m.item);
    //stub method `changeValue` of `m` instance
    m.changeValue('some other stuff');
    //still 'Hello'
    assert.equal(item, m.item);
    //want your stub to return predefined value? Here you are
    var actual = m.changeValue('some other stuff');
    assert.equal('World', actual);
    assert.equal('Hello', m.item);
    //want your stub to throw an exception?
    stub(m).changeValue().throws('Terrible error');
    try {
    } catch (e:Dynamic) {
        assert.equal('Terrible error', e);
        assert.equal('Hello', m.item);
    //need different behavior for different argument values?
    stub(m).changeValue('oops').throws('Terrible error');
    //implement custom behavior
    sutb(m).changeValue().implement(function (item:String) {
        //do some crazy stuff
    //stub all methods by default
    var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).stubAll().create('Hello');
    //but one method should use original behavior

You can pass matchers instead of exact values to stubbed method arguments. Read below for more on matchers. By default stubbed methods return null or type specific default value which is 0 for Int and Float and false for Bool.

Verifying method calls

If you need to ensure your tested unit calls some methods, you can use expect() of hunit.TestCase

public function testInvocation ()
    var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).create('Hello');
    //Or if you want your test to fail if any method except expected one is invoked, add `strict()`:
    var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).strict().create('Hello');
    //test will fail if `changeValue()` method of `m` will not be executed with 'World' argument
    //fail if `changeValue()` will not return 'World'
    //fail if `changeValue()` will not throw specified exception
    expect(m).changeValue().throws('Terrible error');
    //fail if `changeValue()` will be called less than two times
    //or fail if combination of above expectations will not be satisfied
    //you can also expect invocations of stubbed methods
    var testedUnit = function () {

You can pass matchers instead of exact values to expected arguments, return values or exception. Read below for more on matchers. Specify the amount of expected calls using these methods:

  • any() (default) Never fail because of invocations count;
  • once() Test passes if method will be called one time only;
  • never() Test passes if method will be never called;
  • atLeast(amount) Test passes if method will be called at least amount times;
  • exactly(amount) Test passes if method will be called exactly amount times.

Modifying private properties of mocked object

You can get access to private properties of mocked objects with TestCase.modify() method like this:

class Dummy
    private var privateField : String;
    public function new () {}
    public function getPrivateField(return privateField;
class DummyTest extends hunit.TestCase
    public function testPrivateAccess ()
        var dummy = mock(Dummy).create();
        modify(dummy).privateField = 'hello';
        assert.equal('hello', dummy.getPrivateField());

Validating exceptions

If you want to be sure some unit throws exception.

public function testMethodThrowsException ()
    expectException('Terrible error');

    var testedUnit = function () throw 'Terrible error';


This test will pass only if 'Terrible error' will be raised. Instead of exact value you can pass matchers to expectException(). Read below for more on matchers.


These are implemented assertions, which you can invoke on assert property of hunit.TestCase. Use message argument to print custom message if assertion fails. Don't pass pos argument unless you know what you're doing.

/** Validate `value` against matcher. More on matchers below. */
assert.match<T> (match:Match<T>, value:T, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
 * Success if `expected` and `actual` are equal.
 * Compares enums with `Type.enumEq()`, callbacks with `Reflect.compareMethods()` and everything else with `==`.
assert.equal<T> (expected:T, actual:T, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `expected` and `actual` are not equal */
assert.notEqual<T> (expected:T, actual:T, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if type of `value` is of `expectedType` */
assert.type (expectedType:Class<Dynamic>, value:Dynamic, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `value` is null */
assert.isNull (value:Dynamic, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `value` is not null */
assert.notNull (value:Dynamic, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `value` is `true` */
assert.isTrue (value:Bool, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `value` is `false` */
assert.isFalse (value:Bool, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Success if `pattern` regexp match `value`*/
assert.regexp (pattern:EReg, value:String, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
 * Success if `expected` and `actual` are similar objects/arrays/maps.
 * Asserting with objects:
 * All fields of `expected` object must have corresponding fields in `actual` object to pass this assertion.
 * Object `actual` is allowed to have fields, which do not exist in `expected` object.
 * It's not necessary for `expected` and `actual` to be instances of the same type.
 * Fields values of `expected` object can be matchers.
 * Asserting with arrays:
 * To pass this assertion `actual` and `expected` arrays must be of the same length and
 * have corresponding elements match each other.
 * Elements of `expected` array can be matchers.
 * Asserting with maps:
 * `expected` and `actual` maps must have the same set of keys and their corresponding values must match each other.
 * Values of `expected` map can be matchers.
assert.similar (expected:Dynamic, actual:Dynamic, message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Force test failure */ (message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Add warning to test report */
assert.warn (message:String = null?pos:PosInfos);
/** Mark test as successful if there are no other assertions in test */
assert.success (?pos:PosInfos);


Matchers are used to check if verified values match expected values. They are available as methods of match property of hunit.TestCase.

You can use matchers as arguments for stubbed or expected method calls, expected method result and expected exceptions:

var m = mock(MyClass, [String]).get();
//match any string argument
//match any string which match specified regular expression
//expect method to return a value which is not equal to 'World'
//expect method to throw any exception
//expect raising object exception with field `message` which is equal with 'Terrible error' and `code` field not equal with `10`
        message : 'Terrible error',
        code    : match.notEqual(10) 
//you can also chain matchers so that verified value will match only if all matchers are satisfied
//Chain of matchers is processed "as is" without any priority.
expect(m).changeValue( match.regexp(~/ello/i).and.notEqual('Hello').or.equal('World') );

Here is a list of implemented matchers:

/** Match any value */
match.any ();
/** Match values of specified `type` */
match.type<T> (type:Class<T>);
/** Match strings which match `pattern` */
match.regexp (pattern:EReg);
/** Match objects whose fields values match corresponding fields values of `pattern`. */
match.similar (pattern:Dynamic);
/** Match values which are equal to `value` */
match.equal<T> (value:T);
/** Match values which are not equal to `value` */
match.notEqual<T> (value:T);
/** Match if `verify()` returns `true` when invoked against verified value */
match.callback<T> (verify:T->Bool);

Compilation flags

  • -main HUnit If your test suite does not need any special configuration, you can use HUnit as main class for test suite.
  • -D HUNIT_TEST_DIR=path/to/dir Adds all tests in path/to/dir to test suite if combined with -main HUnit. Path should be specified relative to current working directory from which haxe compiler is executed.
  • -D HUNIT_EXCLUDE=some.tests,some.SingleTest,<...> Exclude specified packages and/or classes from test suite
  • -D HUNIT_GROUP=group1,group2,<...> Run tests assigned to specified groups only. Tests can be assigned to some groups by adding meta @group(group1,group4,group8) to test methods.
  • -D HUNIT_EXCLUDE_GROUP=group1,group2,<...> Do not run tests assigned to specified groups.

Meta for test methods

  • @test Method is considered to be a test if marked with this meta.
  • @group('group1', 'group2', <...>) Assign test to specified groups. If this meta is set for test case class, then all tests in that case will be assigned to specified groups.
  • @incomplete('Because something is not implemented') Mark test as incomplete. This meta will add warning to test report.
  • @depends('testAnotherThing', 'testDifferentThing') If testAnotherThing fails or testDifferentThig fails, then test with this meta will be skipped. All these tests must be in one TestCase.
  • @inheritTests('testSomeThing', 'testAnotherThing') If MyTest extends AnotherTest, then this meta copies specified test methods from AnotherTest to MyTest. If no test names provided, then all tests will be copied.


It's not allowed to stub or expect toString() methods. HXCPP does not allow methods named toString() to return values other than strings, while HUnit needs to return another type to chain configuration methods for stubs and expects. If you really need to operate toString() create another method like asString() and use it.



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