TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


It is package which is used to convert javascript variable to human-readable texts/strings.


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1. list

Returns human-readable list of items from an array

* parameters: arr
* seconds: Array
import {list} from 'humancanread';
const readableList = list(['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']);
// Result: Apple, Orange and Banana

2. hoursBySeconds

Returns hours, minutes and seconds according to format by passing seconds

* parameters: seconds, format
* seconds: number
* format: 'LONG' | 'MEDIUM' | 'SHORT'
import {hoursBySeconds} from 'humancanread';

const hoursLong = hoursBySeconds(66000, 'LONG');
// Result: 18 hours, 20 minutes, 0 seconds
const hoursMedium = hoursBySeconds(36489, 'MEDIUM');
// Result: 10 hrs, 8 mins, 9 secs
const hoursShort = hoursBySeconds(34501, 'SHORT')
// Result: 09:35:01

3. monthByNumber

Returns month name by passing a number

* parameters: monthNum and format
* monthNum: number
* format: 'LONG' | 'SHORT'
import {monthByNumber} from 'humancanread';
const month = monthByNumber(1, 'LONG');
// Result: January
const month = monthByNumber(3, 'SHORT');
// Result: Mar

4. dayByNumber

Returns day name by passing a number

* parameters: dayNum and format
* dayNum: number
* format: 'LONG' | 'SHORT'
import {dayByNumber} from 'humancanread';
const day = dayByNumber(1, 'LONG');
// Result: Sunday
const day = dayByNumber(3, 'SHORT');
// Result: Tue

5. commaSeparatedNumber

Returns comma separated number by passing a number

* parameters: num
* num: number
import {commaSeparatedNumber} from 'humancanread';
const newNum = commaSeparatedNumber(3400000);
// Result: 3,400,000

6. fileSizeByBytes

Returns file size string by passing bytes

* parameters: bytes, isSI and dp
* bytes: number
* isSI: boolean - True to use metric (SI) units / powers of 1000.
 * False to use binary (IEC), / powers of 1024
* dp: number - Decimal places
import {fileSizeByBytes} from 'humancanread';
const fileSize = fileSizeByBytes(2048);
// Result: 2.0 KiB

7. ageInYearsByDate

Returns age in years by date

* parameters: date, format
* date: date | Date
* format: 'LONG' | 'MEDIUM' | 'SHORT'
// Today's date is 11/10/2021
import {ageInYearsByDate} from 'humancanread';

const yearsLong = ageInYearsByDate('10/11/2000', 'LONG');
// Result: 21 years old
const yearsMedium = ageInYearsByDate('10/11/2000', 'MEDIUM');
// Result: 21 years old
const yearsShort = ageInYearsByDate('10/11/2000', 'SHORT')
// Result: 21

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  • fredabisai