HSLayers-NG is a library which extends OpenLayers functionality by providing a foundation to build map GUI and extra components such as layer manager, permalink generating, styling of vector features, including OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) layers to the map in a user friendly way etc.
Hslayers version | Angular version | Bootstrap | OpenLayers |
1 | 1.7 | 4.5.3 | |
2 | 1.7 + 9.1.x (hybrid) | >=4.4 | |
3 | 9.x | 4.x | |
4 | 10.x | 4.x | |
5 | 11.x | 4.x | |
6 | 12.x | 4.x | |
7 | 12.x | 5.x | |
8 | 14.x | 5.x | |
9 | 14.x | 5.x | ^6.14.1 |
10 | 14.x | 5.x | ^6.14.1, ^7.0.0 |
11 | 15.x | 5.x | 7.x |
12 | 16.x | 5.3 | 7.x |
13 | 17.x | 5.3 | ^8.2 |
14 | 18.x | 5.3 | ^9.2.2 |
Check out the examples and live projects to get an idea:
- http://ng.hslayers.org/examples/
- https://groundwater.smartagro.lv/fie/index.html
- https://www.smartafrihub.com/cs/map1/
- http://sdi4apps.eu/spoi
- (Material) https://atlasbestpractices.com/
- (Material) https://app.hslayers.org/agroinfo
- (3D) https://app.hslayers.org/project-agro-climatic/
- (3D) https://app.hslayers.org/project-rostenice/
We strongly recommend using Angular CLI for setting up a new project. If you have an Angular ≥ 9 CLI project, you could simply use our schematics to add hslayers-ng library to it.
Just run the following:
ng add hslayers-ng
It will install hslayers-ng for the default application specified in your angular.json. If you have multiple projects and you want to target a specific application, you could specify the --project option:
ng add hslayers-ng --project myProject
Add peer dependencies if not installed automatically by npm:
npm i bootstrap@^5.3 ol@^9.2.2 @angular/cdk@^18 @angular/common@^18 @angular/core@^18 @angular/forms@^18 @angular/compiler@^18 @angular/platform-browser@^18 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@^18 @angular/localize@^18 @ngx-translate/core@^15 @ngx-translate/http-loader@^8 deepmerge@^4.0.0 dayjs@^1.0.0 @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@^16 ol-popup@^5.0.0 proj4@^2.8.1 share-api-polyfill@^1.0.0 rxjs@^7.0.0 zone.js@~0.14.0 xml-js@^1.6.11 ngx-cookie-service@^18 geostyler-style@^8.1.0 geostyler-sld-parser@^5 geostyler-openlayers-parser@^4 geostyler-legend@4 geostyler-qgis-parser@^2 ngx-color@^9 queue@^7 resumablejs@^1 d3@^7 jszip@^3 polygon-splitter@^0.0.11 polygon-clipping@^0.15.3 @popperjs/core@^2 ol-ext@^4
For using hslayers-ng prebuilt bundle including Angular, Bootstrap and other dependencies by loading it through <script>
tags see: Hslayers-ng application
Configuring hslayers-ng is described in more depth in the wiki
Use HsConfig service injected in your component to set applications layers, looks and behavior. See full list of config options
import {Vector as VectorSource} from 'ol/source';
import {Vector as VectorLayer} from 'ol/layer';
import {HsConfig} from 'hslayers-ng/config';
constructor(private HsConfig: HsConfig) {
default_layers: [
new VectorLayer({
properties: {
title: 'Bookmarks',
path: 'User generated',
source: new VectorSource({features}),
default_view: new View({
center: transform([17.474129, 52.574], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'), //Latitude longitude to Spherical Mercator
zoom: 4,
HSLayers-NG can be used as a client-only single-page-application without any need for additional server components. But incorporating at least some unlocks some great features of HSLayers-NG. Here is the list of recommended server-side components:
- hslayers-server - a simple cors-anywhere based proxy server which can be used to overcome CORS restrictions, fill API keys for services such as Geonames used for search and other tasks. Copying and modifying the .env file to preserve secrets and not expose them for everyone and all kinds of requests will be necessary.
- Layman - geospatial data catalogue, map composition catalogue
- Micka - metadata catalogue
We provide a Node.js based server application hslayers-server for proxy based on cors-anywhere that you can install by:
npm i hslayers-server
To run:
To use this proxy in HSLayers-NG application, you have to set the proxyPrefix parameter in the app config which specifies the proxy url, eg.
proxyPrefix: window.location.hostname.includes('localhost')
? `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}:8085/`
: '/proxy/'
This will check if the hslayers-ng based application is running in development mode i.e. on http://localhost:4200 and use proxy server address http://localhost:8085 in that case OR in production with the same domain but different directory for proxy application. You can configure the proxy URL to your setup (ports, domains, paths) of course.
HSLayers-NG can be integrated into larger systems. See crx-hslayers for an actively maintained widget for Wagtail/CodeRed CMS. Check hub4everybody.com to see, what you can achieve with this integration.
Run ng build hslayers
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. You can use npm link
for linking it to your project and rebuild the library continuously by ng build hslayers --watch
Run ng test hslayers
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
To get more help write h4e@lesprojekt.cz