Common page layouts and partials.
npm install [--save] hmpo-templates
Install hmpo-govuk-template, hogan-express-strict and express-partial-templates as part of your project.
var app = require('express')();
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.engine('html', require('hogan-express-strict'));
Basic usage
{{< hmpo-layout}}
{{$pageTitle}} title...{{/pageTitle}}
<p>...intro content...</p>
{{< hmpo-partials-form}}
...form inputs...
...form submit button...
{{/ hmpo-partials-form}}
{{/ hmpo-layout}}
The templates are added to res.locals
with hmpo
as a prefix to the template names.
- maincontent (sets maincontent-left as the default and provides a block to override)
- maincontent-left
- maincontent-right
- maincontent-full
- flash-card
- analytics
- gtm
- gtm-noscript
- back-link
- back
- betatag
- body-end
- cookies
- error-summary
- form
- head
- new-window
- sidebar
- warning
Changing a page layout
Create layout.html in your views directory.
{{< hmpo-layout}}
{{$pageTitle}} title...{{/pageTitle}}
{{< hmpo-partials-maincontent-right}}
{{/ hmpo-partials-maincontent-right}}
{{/ hmpo-layout}}
This changes the main page layout to maincontent-right. In your custom pages you can now inherit from layout.html.
Use with hmpo-template-mixins for form inputs and view formatters. When used with hmpo-form-wizard you'll get a validation summary appearing at the top of your page when a form error occurs.
Google Analytics Classic
To enable Google Analytics tracking expose a GA ID as res.locals['ga-id']
Page views and form validation error events will be sent to GA.
Events contained in the array res.locals.gaevents
will be fired on page view, for instance:
res.locals.gaevents = [
gaCategory: 'Category',
gaAction: 'Action',
gaLabel: 'Label',
gaValue: 42
Google Tag Manager
To enable Google Tag Manager expose GTM settings as:
res.locals.gtm = {
id: 'GT-XXXXXX',
preview: 'env-1',
auth: 'abcdefg'
For production environments only an ID is required.
Page views and form validation error events will be sent to GTM.
Events contained in the array res.locals.gaevents
will be fired on page view, for instance:
res.locals.gaevents = [
gaEvent: 'My Event', // defaults to 'Custom Event'
gaCategory: 'Category',
gaAction: 'Action',
gaLabel: 'Label',
gaValue: 42
Note: Enabling Google Tag Manager will disable Google Analytics Classic