hipchat for terminal
npm install hc-cli -ghip init <authtoken> // hipchat authtoken from your settings
hip ping <user> <message> // sent a private messagehip chat <room> // join the chat room
And of course you can get directly to Mathias
hip pingm <message>
Hipchat becomes popular but skype guys like me don't want to keep two messangers open. A small terminal chat on demand is the only compromise to quickly reach hipchat folks when needed.
And that's a draft version done for CPH hackaton #5
- lookup users or rooms on tabbing
- improve terminal UI, maybe with having it as a static sticky chat showing last 10 messages
- features to share terminal logs:
hip snap <user-or-room> // sends a snapshot of terminal logs to the user or roomhip snap <user-or-room> --s // lets u scroll to some terminal logs and snap it to the user / room by pressing "S"
- hipchat v.2 guys are implementing api for querying private messages history, so it will be possible to make a private chat hopefully soon