Hapi plugin for routing logging statements from Hapi's built in logging system to syslog.
Just load the plugin and go!
To enable your linux system (debian or ubuntu) to receive TCP or UPD message edit /etc/rsyslog.conf
sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf
# provides UDP syslog reception
#module(load="imudp") <== uncomment for UDP
#input(type="imudp" port="514") <== uncomment for UDP
# provides TCP syslog reception
#module(load="imtcp") <== uncomment for TCP
#input(type="imtcp" port="514") <== uncomment for TCP
Save changes (control-x). Now restart the rsyslog service:
sudo service rsyslog restart
To view the syslog at runtime:
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
Additionally... See examples directory for sample usage.
plugin.register(server, [options], next)
Registers the plugin to run onRequest
in the request lifecycle.
Type: object
Default: {}
Valid overrides include:
target: Defaults to
syslogHostname: Defaults to OS hostname
transport: Defaults to 2 which is Udp
port: Defaults to 514
tcpTimeout: Defaults to 10000
rfc3164: Defaults to false
appName: Defaults Node's process.title
dateFormatter: Function defaults to date.toISOString()
facility: Defaults to local0 or 16
severity: Defaults to 6 or Informational
const Transport = {
Tcp: 1,
Udp: 2
const Facility = {
Kernel: 0,
User: 1,
System: 3,
Audit: 13,
Alert: 14,
Local0: 16,
Local1: 17,
Local2: 18,
Local3: 19,
Local4: 20,
Local5: 21,
Local6: 22,
Local7: 23
const Severity = {
Emergency: 0,
Alert: 1,
Critical: 2,
Error: 3,
Warning: 4,
Notice: 5,
Informational: 6,
Debug: 7
MIT © visualjeff