Hapi amqp message manager
A hapi-rascal https://github.com/sitamet/hapi-rascal driver. A wrapper for event management with keys based on the structure 'dom.obj.act.det'
- dom: domain where the event occurs or the command is targetted
- obj: object the message carries.
- act: action: [event|error|cmd command].
- det: action detail.
This service driver exposes:
: a method used to publish events. -
: a class that helps us to manage a message. -
: a method used to link an event message digest to a subscription.
IMPORTANT: this module is in design stage.
is a driver loaded by hapi-rascal https://github.com/sitamet/hapi-rascal (the amqp rascal plugin for hapijs).
npm install hapi-rascal --save
npm install hapi-message-manager --save
When starting your hapijs server, register this module after hapi-rascal:
{ register: require('hapi-rascal'), options: config.rascal },
where config.rascal config contains the driver options:
'defaults': {...},
'vhosts': {
'test': {
'connection': {...},
'exchanges': {...},
'publications': {
'dom.obj.act.det': {...}
'queues': {...},
'bindings': [...],
'subscriptions': {...}
'drivers': [{
module: 'hapi-message-manager',
name: 'events',
options: {
publication: 'dom.obj.act.det'
This message-manager service gets exposed in drivers name under rascal plugin server.plugins.rascal.events
How to link a processMessage digest to a subscription:
To subscribe processMessage
to our named subscription entity-product.tasks
function processMessage(message, content, ackOrNack) {
// message digest
server.plugins.rascal.events.subscribeThisProcessor(processMessage, 'entity-product.tasks');
How to publish a message:
server.plugins.rascal.events.publish({ 'foo': 'bar' }, 'test-domain.foo.cmd.update-foo');
// now you can await for its delivery:
try {
await server.plugins.rascal.events.publish({ 'foo': 'bar' }, 'test-domain.foo.cmd.update-foo');
catch(err) {
server.log('error', err);
How to deal with a message with the help of let routing = server.plugins.rascal.events.Routing(message, content);
// routing provides getters to deal with all key segments based on structure 'dom.obj.act.det'
// i.e for a given key ´domain-one.object-type-a.cmd.do-something´ keyBare give us 'object-type-a.cmd.do-something'
switch (routing.keyBare()) {
case 'object-type-a.cmd.do-something':
// once exec the rounting delivers the 'object-type-a.event.do-something-done'
// and if there is an err the 'object-type-a.error.do-something'
case 'object-type-b.cmd.update-b':
// once updateB calls back, routing sets new content if no err
// and reply emits a done with key object-type-b.event.update-b-done or
// object-type-b.errir.update-b if the updateB fails
updateB(content.objectTypeB, (err, objectTypeB) => {
routing.setContent(err ? null : { objectTypeB }).reply(err);
Running the tests
npm test