The open library for HackMyResume and FluentCV.
Resume and career management reusables for HackMyResume, FluentCV, and [Your Tool Here].
All HackMyResume-related code that isn't
directly involved with the CLI lives here. Every important function and class is
exported via CommonJS / Node.js module.exports
with UMD support forthcoming.
For convenience, all classes and methods are exposed as properties off of the module object:
// Get the API facade (for convenience)// You can also require individual components// with require('hackmyapi/path/to/thing')var HMR = ; // Create and open FRESHResumevar rezA = ;rezA; // Create and open a JRSResumevar rezB = ;rezB; // Create and invoke an instance of the HMR "build" verbvar build = ;buildl; // Use other classes and methods on the HMR facade as needed.
You can also import individual classes like so:
var FRESHResume = ;