A bunch of things in angular that I use a lot
bower install h8 --save
titlecase filter
Change the case of a string to a human readable case:
Ex: This IS A STRING --> This Is a String
{{firstName | titleCase}}
range filter
To be used with a 'for loop' in angular, provides a number array in a range
Ex: Creating an input for each month (1 to 12)
<select ng-model="months" ng-options="n for n in [] | range:1:12"></select>
states and cities directive
localized input helper for states and brazilian cities (uses bootstrap3)
Ex: br-states will create an input with all the 27 brazilian states
<br-states ng-model="state">
Ex: br-cities will create an input with all the cities of a brazilian state
<br-cities ng-model="city" state="state">
the br-cities directive can be used without the br-states, but the state provided can be an abbreviation of the full state name