Library for fast rendering colorized bitmap fonts.
- Supports up to 256 glyphs from a 16x16 image
- Allows changing glyphs
- Updates are batched via
- Uses 4096 colors
- Written in TypeScript
- Can generate bitmap font images
- WebGL2
- No per-render memory allocations
- Only one GL draw call for the whole canvas
- Minimized JS data transfer (data set only for Provoking vertices)
- Thousands of tiles rendered at 60 fps
Colors are represented by 12 bit numbers with 4 bits each for red, green, and blue values.
const red = 0xF00;
const green = 0x0F0;
const blue = 0x00F;
const yellow = 0xFF0;
These color integers are used for both the foreground and background drawing colors.
The Canvas works by using a bitmap font image that it loads into WebGL. The image MUST be a 16x16 layout for the glyphs. The size of the glyphs is inferred by the Canvas at construction time.
const canvas = GW.canvas.withImage({ image: 'image_id', width: 50, height: 38 });
canvas.draw(0, 0, 97, 0xF00, 0xFFF); // usually a red 'a' on white background.
More Information
Check out the online interactive Manual.
This project started as an attempt to modify Fastiles, but @ondras and I figured out that we had different goals. Based on that I created this library. However, the hard work in the code is all done by @ondras - by that I mean setting up the initial WebGl pipeline and getting it to work. I changed some things, but the heart of it is still the same as Fastiles. Many thanks to @ondras for the inspiration and the launching point.