Package for generating and managing globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) v4 in Typescript.
Lightweight, simple, dependency free, and reliable package.
This package provides a class which can parse and generate a GUID based on the RFC4122. The package also expose methods to manage GUIDs.
The focus of this package is to provide a simple mechanism to generate and manage v4 UUIDs, following this principles:
- Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS Principle)
- Keep it lightweight
- Dependency free
- Well tested
- Reliable
- RFC compilant (RFC4122)
- Compatible with all major browsers
- Up-to-date
Simply install it with your favourite package manager:
yarn add guid-ts
npm install guid-ts
import { Guid } from 'guid-ts';
const newGuid = Guid.newGuid(); // => ex: b631e90e-6e7f-488e-88fb-a7c2ef44bb8d
You can use and test the package online on Stackblitz, checkout our example playground: guid-ts-playground.
You can find all the code documentation in
The documentation is generated using TypeDoc, and resides in the docs
How does it works?
The implementation is very simple. It basically generates random numbers to compose a valid v4 UUID, following the specification and a regex to check it.
How do it generates random numbers?
In order to support all browsers as possible, the implementation checks if the browser has implemented the Crypto API (or mscrypto in the case of IE11), in order to generate the random values, since it is a more reliable source for random values. If the crypto object its not available in runtime, then Math.random() is used as a fallback (which is a less reliable source of random values, but available in almost all browsers).
Browsers support
![]() IE / Edge |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
![]() iOS Safari |
![]() Samsung |
![]() Opera |
IE6-IE11, Edge | 2-latest | 4-latest | 3.1-latest | 3.2-latest | 4-latest | 10-latest |