This module provides an interface between Node.js and the GT.M database.
It is expected that you have already installed GT.M in your system.
This module will make available the M database to your nodejs scripts.
See the scripts in the tests directory for guidelines on how to use this module.
For further details, please see the article:
"GT.M Bindings to NodeJS"
OSEHRA Technical Journal
GT.M is distributed under the AGPL 3.0 License by fisglobal.
The source code of the GT.M node.js module is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
The binary build of the gtm binding to nodejs is distributed also under the Apache 2.0 License.
Thanks for installing the gtm module. Now you just need to follow these three simple post-installation steps to get your gtm module working.
A) Set the GTMCI environment variable to the full path of the gtm_access.ci file.
B) Copy the _gtmaccess.m file in to one of the directories where you have M routines. These directories are the ones that you already include in the gtmroutines environment variable.
C) Add to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable the directory where you installed GT.M.
More precisely, the directory where the GT.M library
You can test your installation with any of the files in the test directory.