
0.3.8 • Public • Published


Checks if your Bower or NPM dependencies are out of date.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-version-check --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "versioncheck" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named versioncheck to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  versioncheck: {
    target: {
      options: {
        skip : ["semver", "npm", "lodash"],
        hideUpToDate : false



Type: Array Default value: []

A list of dependencies to skip.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If true, only dependencies that are out of date will be listed.


Type: String Default value: bower.json

Specify a relative path to a bower.json file.


Type: String Default value: package.json

Specify a relative path to a package.json file.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If true, versions of bower dependencies are compared to prereleased versions and not the last stable version.

Example output

Running "versioncheck" task
>> async (bower) is up to date.
>> backbone (bower) is up to date.
>> backbone-pageable (bower) is up to date.
>> backbone-relational (bower) is out of date. Your version: 0.8.7 latest: 0.8.8
>> backgrid (bower) is up to date.
>> backgrid-moment-cell (bower) is up to date.
>> bootstrap (bower) is up to date.
>> bootstrap-paginator (bower) is up to date.
>> d3 (bower) is up to date.
>> font-awesome (bower) is out of date. Your version: 4.1.0 latest: 4.2.0
>> highstock-release (bower) is up to date.
>> i18next (bower) is out of date. Your version: 1.7.3 latest: 1.7.4
>> jquery (bower) is up to date.
>> jquery-cookie (bower) is up to date.
>> jquery.tablesorter (bower) is up to date.
>> leaflet (bower) is up to date.
>> leaflet.markercluster (bower) is up to date.
>> lodash (bower) is up to date.
>> marionette (bower) is out of date. Your version: 2.0.3 latest: 2.1.0
>> Marionette.SubRouter (bower) is up to date.
>> moment (bower) is out of date. Your version: 2.7.0 latest: 2.8.2
>> require-handlebars-plugin (bower) is up to date.
>> stringjs (bower) is out of date. Your version: 1.8.1 latest: 1.9.1
>> typeahead.js (bower) is out of date. Your version: 0.10.2 latest: 0.10.5
>> colors (npm) is up to date.
>> bower (npm) is up to date.
>> npm (npm) is up to date.
>> async (npm) is up to date.
>> lodash (npm) is up to date.
>> grunt-contrib-jshint (npm) is out of date. Your version: ^0.9.2 latest: 0.10.0
>> grunt (npm) is up to date.

Package Sidebar


npm i grunt-version-check

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  • swillard