Another Grunt task for Google Closure Compiler. Uses compiler npm build or you can use your own (eg: nightly builds)
(Table of contents generated by [verb])
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt >= 0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
Install with npm
$ npm install grunt-google-closure-tools-compiler --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
closurecompiler task
Run this task with the grunt closurecompiler
This task requires that you have the closure compiler jar file anywhere on your building machine. However, this plugin loads the npm closure compiler.jar and set it as default compiler. You still can use a custom or another build from closure to set a new path to the jar file you want.
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Choices: 'SIMPLE'
Default: 'SIMPLE'
Choose which closure compilation level we should use.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true
, a source map file will be generated in the same directory as the dest
file. By default it will have the same basename as the dest
file, but with a .map
Choices: 'ECMASCRIPT3'
Default: 'ECMASCRIPT3' (null)
Choices: 'ECMASCRIPT3'
Default: language in
Default: 'PRETTY_PRINT' (null)
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Turn on closure compiler debug parameter.
Type: String
Default: null
Set some custom parameters for closure execution.
Type: String
Default: ''
Put a string at the top of the compiled files.
Type: String
Default: 'node_modules/google-closure-compiler/compiler.jar'
Path to the compiler.jar file. This could be relative beginning from the google-closure-compiler directory or absolute like '/opt/closure-compiler/compiler.jar'
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Set maxBuffer if you got message "Error: maxBuffer exceeded."
Type: String
Default: null
We use this path if it is setted. NOTE: If it is null
we can also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If this is true, the jar file will be executed with -client
and -d32
java parameters.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
If this is true, the jar file will be executed with -server
and -XX:+TieredCompilation
java parameters.
Usage Examples
Basic compression
// Project configuration.grunt;
Advanced compilation
// Project configuration.grunt;
All files with all subdirectories
// Project configuration.grunt;
Release History
0.1.7 (2015-12-21)
Bug Fixes
- task: Add lodash for isUndefined condition instead of grunt.util.kindOf (eccecfb)
0.1.6 (2015-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- task: Updating closure dependencies (e1cc166)
0.1.5 (2015-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- package: Move google closure library from dev to normal dependencies (24450ab)
- task: compile js files and put them into the same directory (f048611)
- task: Add custom extra parameters config for closure (a89fd1f)
- task: Add formatting parameter (c8b85c9)
- task: Add language-in and language-out options (a71416f)
0.1.4 (2015-12-18)
- task: Show input and output file size after compilation (fe369ae)
0.1.3 (2015-12-18)
Bug Fixes
- bump: Fixing peerDependencies reference inside readme (da7553e)
0.1.2 (2015-12-18)
Bug Fixes
- task: Catch error if files object is empty or dest file has an empty array (bd37307)
- travis-ci: Removing npm uninstall grunt (1959803)
- task: Add JAVA_HOME and option.java_path to set the java binary path (2c24e70)
0.1.1 (2015-12-17)
0.1.0 (2015-12-17)
Some stuff we have to do...
- Write unit tests
- Make closure externs possible
- Support "--js closure-library/closure/goog/deps.js"
- google-closure-library
- Enhancement: change compilation levels for certain files.
- Enable log file
Copyright © 2015 CSoellinger Released under the MIT license.
This file was generated by verb-cli on December 21, 2015.