
6.7.0 • Public • Published


Grunt plugin used to with a gruntfile.js and packages.json in repositories to run grunt commands to validate, check and build web packages and applications

Used in the development environment described in fcoo-web-dev and normally installed via the FCOO grunt-init templates (grunt-init-fcoo-[NAME])


  1. Install and basic use
  2. Packages tasks: List of and specifications for available tasks for Packages
  3. Application tasks: List of and specifications for available tasks for Applications
  4. gruntfile.js: Descriptions of the options for grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin
  5. Tools: Descriptions and documentation for third-party tools (ESLint, UglifyJS, browserslist etc.)
  6. Main files, dependencies overrides and resolutions: Note on difference between the overrides in bower.json and options in grunt-bower-concat
  7. Miscellaneous

Install and basic use

Install the plugin

  1. Is automatic installed when running grunt-init with one of FCOO templates (recommended), or
  2. Clone gruntfile.js and package.json from fcoo-gruntfile.js and manually adjust the files


The gruntfile.js in the repository contains the different options to be used in different tasks.

Application or Package

The contents of a repository can either be a web application or a packages/plugin and is defined by setting the isApplication options in gruntfile.js determine if it is an Application or a Package

Run a command/task

To execute a command just run

	grunt {TASK} {OPTIONS}

Package tasks

  • grunt check - Check the syntax of all .js files in \app\scripts and all .scss files in \app\styles
  • grunt dev - Building a development version in \demo
  • grunt build - Building a production version in \dist. Same asgrunt prod
  • grunt push - Create a complete new release and push it to GitHub. Same as grunt github
  • grunt push-cli {OPTIONS} - Same as grunt push but with options instead of prompt. Same as grunt github-cli {OPTIONS}

>grunt check

  • Check the syntax of all .js files in \app\scripts using ESLint
  • Check the syntax of all .scss files in \app\styles

>grunt dev

Building a development version in \demo

You only need to run grunt dev when you

  • add or delete a source file from \src
  • install/uninstall a bower-component

To test your package just browse \demo\index.html

  • Check syntax of \app\scripts\*.js and \app\styles\*.scss files
  • Merge all overrides from dependences into bower.json temporary
  • Update all bower components
  • Concat all .js and .css files in bower components into \demo\bower_components.js and \demo\bower_components.css
  • Copy all images and font files used by bower components to \demo\images and \demo\fonts
  • Copy all files in \src\_dist_files to \demo
  • Restore original bower.json

>grunt build

Building a production version in \dist

  • Check syntax of \app\scripts\*.js and \app\styles\*.scss files
  • Concat and minify all .js files in \src into one file \dist\[PACKAGENAME].js and \dist\[PACKAGENAME].min.js
  • Compile, concat and minify all .scss files in \src into one file \dist\PACKAGENAME.css and \dist\PACKAGENAME.min.css
  • Copy all images and font files in \src to \dist\images and \dist\fonts
  • Copy all files in \src\_dist_files to \dist
Example (packages='fcoo-plugin')

>grunt push

Create a complete new release and push it to GitHub

  • Prompt for
    • new version (patch / minor / major)
    • Commit or Amend (when both are possible)
    • description of the release
  • Run grunt build (optional)
  • Update version in bower.json and package.json
  • Update \dist\*.js with new version
  • Add all files in Git. Includes all files except those specified in .gitignore
  • Commit all files in Git
  • Create a new TAG with message "1.2.3"
  • Merge branch 'master' into branch 'gh-pages' (optional)
  • Push all branches and tags to GitHub
Example (package='fcoo-plugin')
C:\...\fcoo-plugin>grunt github

? Build/compile the application? (Y/n) Yes
? Current version of "fcoo-plugin" is 1.2.3. Select new version: (Use arrow keys)
  Patch : 1.2.4 Backwards-compatible bug fixes.
> Minor : 1.3.0 Add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
  Major : 2.0.0 Incompatible API changes.
  None  : No new version. Just commit and push.

? Above is a list of changes to be commited. Select commit-action: (Use arrow keys)
> Commit : Committing staged changes to a new snapshot.
  Amend  : Combine staged changes with the previous commit.

? Message/description for new version: This is a new version

>grunt push-cli {OPTIONS}

Same as grunt push but with options

`grunt push-cli (--no-build  --build) (--none | --patch | --minor | --major) (--commit="message" | --amend) --tag="Tag message"`
Options Default Description
--build or --no-build --no-build Run grunt build or not
--none or --patch or --minor or --major --patch Release
--commit="message" or --amend --commit="" Commit a new snapshot or amend to previous commit
--tag="message" --tag="" Message for new tag (only if not --none)
Example (package='fcoo-plugin')
C:\...\fcoo-plugin>grunt push-cli --build --minor --commit --tag="This is a new version"

Application tasks

Where there are the following task:

  • grunt check - Check the syntax of all .js files in \app\scripts and all .scss files in \app\styles
  • grunt dev - Building a development version in \dev
  • grunt build - Building a production version in \dist

>grunt check

  • Check the syntax of all .js files in \app\scripts using ESLint
  • Check the syntax of all .scss files in \app\styles

>grunt dev

Building a development version in \dev

To test your application just browse \dev\index.html

NOTE!! - You only need to run grunt dev when you

  • add or delete a source file to/from \app\scripts or \app\styles
  • (un)install a bower-component
  • changes \app\_index-dev.html.tmpl


  • Check syntax of \app\scripts\*.js and \app\styles\*.scss files
  • Merge all overrides from dependences into bower.json temporary
  • Update all bower components
  • Copy all images and font files used by bower components to \dev\images and \dev\fonts
  • Copy all files in \app to \dev (ext. \scripts and \styles)
  • Restore original bower.json
  • Create \dev\index.html from \app\_index-dev.html.tmpl
  • Insert direct <links> or <script> for all js- and css/scss-files in \app\scripts\, \app\styles\, and \bower_components\

>grunt build

Building a production version in \dist

  • Check syntax of \app\scripts\*.js and \app\styles\*.scss files
  • Update all bower components
  • Concat and minify all .js files in bower components AND in \app\scripts into one file [[APPLICATIONNAME]_[TIMESTAMP].js and [[APPLICATIONNAME]_[TIMESTAMP].min.js
  • Compile all .scss files in \app\styles and concat them with all the .css files in bower components AND in \app\styles into one file [[APPLICATIONNAME]_[TIMESTAMP].css
  • Check, modify, and optimize stylesheets [[APPLICATIONNAME]_[TIMESTAMP].css
  • Using Babel to convert ES6-code to ES5-code
  • Minify [[APPLICATIONNAME]_[TIMESTAMP].js using UglifyJS.
    Default Compress options are used but individual compress options can be set in \.uglifyrc
  • Create \dist\index.html from \app\_index.html.tmpl
  • Copy all images and font files used by bower components to \dist\images and \dist\fonts
  • Copy all images and font files in \app\styles to \dist\images and \dist\fonts
  • Replace text in all *.html, *.js, and *.css files where {APPLICATION_[ID]} is replaced with the value from options.application.[id]. Eq. options.application.something:"This is a value" => {APPLICATION_SOMETHING} is replaced with This is a value (see gruntfile.js). The following replacement are default
    • {APPLICATION_NAME} : The application name given in bower.json
    • {APPLICATION_VERSION}: The version given in bower.json (after it is updated)
    • {APPLICATION_BUILD}: Date and time string when the application was build
  • Copy all files in \app to \dist (ext. \scripts and \styles)
  • Create different log-files in \dist\log
Example (application='fcoo-app')

>grunt deploy

Deploy the build release in \dist up to a selected location on the web-server

>grunt rollback

Rollback the current release of a selected version back to the previous release


Contains inclusion of the grunt-plugin and the different options to define the type of application, extra commands etc.

    fcoo_grunt_plugin: {
        options: {
            "application"   : {   //application = false or null for packages/plugins
                "id"             : "0",  //application id. Default=0
                "subpath"        : "MISSING",  //The sub-path where the application is located. Default="MISSING"

                //..Individual id:value can be added for specific application. E.q.
                "sentryDSN"     : "", //DSN for Sentry
                "piwikSiteId"   : 1 //Application id for Piwik website analytics

      "haveJavaScript": true,  //true if the application/packages have js-files
      "haveStyleSheet": true,  //true if the application/packages have css and/or scss-files
      "haveGhPages"   : false, //Only for packages: true if there is a branch "gh-pages" used for demos

      "beforeProdCmd": "",     //Cmd to be run at the start of prod-task. Multi cmd can be seperated by "&"
      "beforeDevCmd" : "",     //Cmd to be run at the start of dev-task
      "afterProdCmd" : "",     //Cmd to be run at the end of prod-task
      "afterDevCmd"  : "",     //Cmd to be run at the end of dev-task

    "build_noCheck"        : true,   //If true no syntax check when building package
    "build_bowerFullUpdate": true,   //If true full bower update when building package

      "DEBUG"        : false   //if true different debugging is on and the tempoary files are not deleted

});//end of grunt.initConfig({...

Embedding options into html-, js-, and css-files

When running the task >grunt build for an application some default options and the options in options.application will be embedded into all html-, js-, and css-files The position for the options are marked with {APPLICATION_ID} where ID is the upper case of the default name OR name in options.application

Default options

APPLICATION_VERSION: The version number of the application. Taken from bower.json APPLICATION_BUILD: The date and time when the application was build


//In bower.json
version: "1.2.3",

//In gruntfile.js
options: {
    application: {
         "id"      : 248,
         "myOption": true

//In a js-file
var version = "{APPLICATION_VERSION}",
    applicationId = "{APPLICATION_ID}",
    myOptions = "{APPLICATION_MYOPTION}";

//After >grunt build
var version = "1.2.3",
    applicationId = "248",
    myOptions = "true";

NOTE that all embedded options will be as strings.

It is possible to get the options converted to other types. Eq.

myOption = ("{APPLICATION_MYOPTION}" == "true"); //boolean

The packages fcoo-application contains methods to get, check, and convert application-options



ESLint is used to check the JavaScript code.

Configuring ESLint is set in file /.eslintrc

As default we use the recommended rules by setting "eslint:recommended" and adjusting the recommended rules by setting options in rules section in /.eslintrc

To change a rule setting (ee Configuring Rules), set the rule ID to

  • "off" or 0 - turn the rule off
  • "warn" or 1 - turn the rule on as a warning (doesn’t affect exit code)
  • "error" or 2 - turn the rule on as an error (exit code is 1 when triggered)


UglifyJS is used to optimize and minimize the combined JavaScript-code in Application tasks grunt build

The Compressor Options used are the Default Compressor Options except

  • drop_debugger -- remove debugger; statements
  • drop_console -- default false. Pass true to discard calls to console.* functions.

That are true when fcoo_grunt_plugin.DEBUG: false in gruntfile.js and vice versa

In .uglifyrc you can change the compressior options individual


browserslist is a syntax used to descript witch browsers and witch version(s). It is used when checking the syntax of Style Sheets in Application tasks grunt build

The file .browserslistrc contains current browserslist

Main files, dependencies and overrides

The grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin using grunt-bower-concat to find the included packages and there dependencies and concat all the js- and css-files.

Main files

Some Bower components don’t list their main files or (more likely) don’t have bower.json file at all. In this case you can add an overrides section in the bower.json and add the missing main files

 "overrides": {
	"package_name": {
  		"main": [

The grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin will find all the overrides from dependences and copy them temporary into bower.json


Unfortunately bower.json and grunt-bower-concat don't implement dependencies in there json-files the same way


In bower.json you can specify that a package should use a specify version of another package

Eq.: In the bower-file for leaflet.locatecontrol it is specify that leaflet.locatecontrol is using leaflet version 0.7.3, but in you project you are using leaflet version 0.7.7. To avoid conflicts you can override the dependencies for leaflet.locatecontrol

 "overrides": {
	"leaflet.locatecontrol": {
  		"dependencies": {
    		"leaflet": "0.7.7"

grunt-bower-concat don't seem to read or use the overrides section in bower.json. Instead options.dependencies is used to fix that not all Bower components list their dependencies. If components concatenate in the wrong order, the options.dependencies can dependencies for those components. Eq:

dependencies: {
  'underscore': 'jquery',
  'mygallery': ['jquery', 'fotorama']

BUT this only works if all dependencies is missing in bower.json (eq. for "mygallery") It can not be used to add or alter dependencies and there are no options for alter version dependencies.


  • grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin will find all the resolutions from dependences and copy them temporary into bower.json
  • grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin will find all the overrides from dependences and copy them temporary into bower.json
  • For both resolutions and overrides:
    • If the application/package has resolutions or overrides for the a packages => this resolutions or overrides is used
    • If the application/package don't have resolutions or overrides for the a packages => using the resolutions or overrides from the first dependences package with resolutions or overrides for the packages
    • A warning will be displayed if two or more packages in dependencies has resolutions or overrides for the same packages.
  • grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin will read and convert the overrides.PACKAGENAME.main in bower.json to the correct options format for grunt-bower-concat
  • The grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin will read or convert the overrides.PACKAGENAME.dependencies in bower.json BUT no version-info is transferred and there are no conflict handling
  • WARNING The use of overrides: { PACKAGENAME: { dependencies: {...} }} in bower.json should be limited and any problems should be solved in an other way, e.g. by forking the package and correcting the bower.json file


Credential Helper

On Windows you can use a credential helper to tell Git to remember your GitHub username and password every time it talks to GitHub. Just run

git config --global credential.helper wincred

To stop it run

git config --global --unset credential.helper


To publish a new version of the plugin do the following

  1. Editing the tast-file tasks/fcoo_grunt_plugin.js
  2. Commit the changes to git
  3. Run >npm version [patch | minor | major]
  4. Run >npm publish
  5. Push the package to github (optional)



Package Sidebar


npm i grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin

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  • nielsholt