grisel (GRId_SELect) is a custom multi- or single-select control (over standard <select>).
Represents options as paginated grid.
Features search and filter by first letter.
Customizable. Has cool animations. Useful for big list of options.
How it looks:
Getting started:
- Include this JS/CSS:
<script src="vendor/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/jquery.easing.1.3.2.js"></script>
<script src="src/js/grisel.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="src/css/grisel.css" />
- Add class "grisel" to <select>'s you want to convert.
- Customize options. Example:
grisel.defaultOptions = jQuery.extend(grisel.defaultOptions, {
//options to override, see list below
grisel.optionsBySelId = {
's_street': {
//options to override for select '#s_street'
grisel.optionsBySelClass = {
grisel.defaultLang = 'en';
grisel.defaultStrings = jQuery.extend(grisel.defaultStrings, {
'en': {
//default strings in english
grisel.stringsBySelId = {
's_street': {
'en': {
//strings for '#s_street' in english
grisel.stringsBySelClass = {
Also you can override options for particular <select> by using 'data-*'. Example:
<select class="grisel" data-div-popup-width='500'>...</select>
Popup can be in extended view (with search and filter by first char) or compact - see options isExt, minPagesForExt.
Options list can contain special "any"-option, to be able to select all/any values by one click (and send to server), see options anyVal, hideAny.
Key | Description | Default value |
General | ||
gridRows | Number of options rows in grid | 5 |
gridColumns | Number of options columns in grid | 3 |
minPagesForExt | If list of options has pages >= this value, popup will be in extended view mode (with search and filter by first char) | 3 |
isExt | Show popup in extended view mode? -1 for auto applying extended mode (by option minPagesForExt), 1/0 to force extended mode on/off | -1 |
anyVal | Value attribute of special <oprion> "All values" (or "Any value") (if there is one in options) | 'a-n-y' |
hideAny | Hide special "any"-option? | false |
gridDirectionHorizontal | How options should be filled in grid? 1 - fill items in left-to-right direction (horizontal) (in html group by rows), 0 - up-to-down direction (vertical) (in html group by cols) | false |
useRowsStyleForVerticalDirection | 1 - force group by rows (not cols) in html for vertical direction (to make all elements in one row having equal height) 1 is highly recommended (also because of animation problems with cols) | true |
openOnHover | 1 - open popup by hover on selector, 0 - open by click | false |
areInnerCtrlsFocuable | Add tabindex attribute for all controls (options, inputs, buttons) in popup? | false |
maxCntToShowListAsValStr | For example. When set to 4: for 5+ selected values selector text will be "X values", for 1-4 - "valA, valB, valC, valD", for 0 - one of allStr/anyStr/allStrDefault. When set to -1: always "X values" | 3 |
Show/hide elements | ||
showPagesList | true | |
showSearch | true | |
showIndex | true | |
showControls | true | |
hidePageControlsWhenThereIsPageList | true | |
showCtrlSaveSelection | true | |
showCtrlShowSelection | true | |
showCtrlGotoSelection | true | |
showCtrlClearAll | true | |
showCloseCross | true | |
Sizes | ||
divSelWidth | -2 - equal to <select>'s width, -1 - equal to wrapper's width, 0 - auto, > 0 - concrete width | 0 |
divSelHeight | -2 - equal to <select>'s height, -1 - equal to wrapper's height, 0 - auto, > 0 - concrete height | 0 |
divSelPaddingLeft | Left padding of selector's text, in px | 8 |
divSelIsMultiline | Show selector's text as multiline? | false |
divSelClasses | Optional list of classes for selector divided by ' ' | '' |
divPopupWidth | -2 - equal to wrapper's width, -1 - equal to sel's width, 0 - auto, > 0 - concrete width | 0 |
divPopupHeight | 0 - use css, > 0 - concrete height | 0 |
divPopupLabelsMinWidth | For auto popup width - set min checkbox/radio's labels width | 0 |
divPopupClasses | Optional list of classes for popup win divided by ' ' | '' |
divWrapperClasses | Optional list of classes for selector's wrapper divided by ' ' | '' |
tryToKeepConstPopupHeight | When page with long labels appeared, keep new bigger popup height for all other pages | true |
reserveForPopupHeight | Reserve (once) more height for popup (for case of appearing long labels at next pages), in px | 0 |
Animation | ||
animatePopupDuration | Duration in ms for open & close animations | [600, 400] |
isElasticPopupAnimation | Is animation elastic for open & close? If yes, some tricks will be applied for smoother animation | [1, 0] |
animatePopupEasing | Easing function names for open & close animations | ['easeOutElastic', 'easeInOutBack'] |
animatePageDuration | Duration of animation of switching pages | 150 |
animatePageEasing | Easing function name of animation of switching pages | 'swing' |
"Legacy" options (made for | ||
flushSearchStringAfterSelection | When using search, clear search string after every selection | false |
showSelectedItemsWhenNoFound | When using search and no options found, show selected items anyway | false |
showSelectedItemsFirst | In options list show selected items first, but after "any"-option | false |
maxSelectionLimit | Only for showSelectedItemsFirst==1. If count of selected items > this value, warning (see string "maxSelectionMsg") will be shown | 0 |
Key | Description | Default value for english |
indexAll | First button in index by first char, which clears filter by first char | 'All' |
ctrlSaveSelection | Button that closes popup, like 'X' at bottom-right | 'Save' |
ctrlGotoSelection | Button to goto page with selected option (for single-select) | 'Go to selected' |
ctrlShowSelection | Button to show only selected options | 'Show selected' |
ctrlClearAll | Button to clear selection. First for multi-select, second for single-select | ['Clear all', 'Clear selection'] |
allStr | Selector text when all options are selected, for overriding in 'stringsBySelId', 'stringsBySelClass' | '' |
allStrDefault | Default selector text when all options are selected. First for multi-select, second for single-select | ['All', 'Any'] |
noSelectionMsg | Text when no option is selected. Only for option hideAny == 1 | 'No selected' |
noResultsMsg | Text when filter gaven't any results | 'Nothing found' |
inputPlaceholder | Placeholder text for search input | 'Enter a name' |
cntFmt | Template to format selector text | '{cnt} {cnt_name}' |
cntNames | Declensions of word 'value': for english - [singular, plural, plural], for russian - [ед.им., ед.род., мн.род.] | ['value', 'values', 'values'] |
maxSelectionMsg | Only for option maxSelectionLimit > 0 ("legacy"). Warning text when count of selected items > maxSelectionLimit | 'You reached max number of selected elements.<br>Please save your selection' |
See demo.html
Browsers support:
Requires browser with CSS3 support (for flex).