
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Google Docs Translate Tool

Get translations dictionaries from Google Spreadsheets with i18n-friendly structure


  • Handle all your translations in one place: A Google SpreadSheet
  • Use the =GOOGLETRANSLATE(string_to_translate;input_lang;output_lang) formula in your spreadsheet to translate your content it's fast and reliable – it uses the same servers that uses


1. Create your translations SpreadSheet

First you need to create your own spreadsheet with the right structure. You can duplicate this template

Besides the ID column (which will be covered below this section) there are one column for each language. The first one is intended to be the original language and the other onse uses the =GOOGLETRANSLATE formula (so it means it's Google Translate Powered). You can add as many records and this formula works for all languages supported by Google Translate. You’ll just need to know the 2-letter code for the language, which you can find in this list.

For the ID column, as you can see, it represents the key in the nested structure that the string is going to be at inside the generated JSON. i.e:

For this content:

id en es
common.welcome Welcome Bienvenido Help Ayuda
homepage.title Amazing Website Sitio web increíble
homepage.description We're the best company Somos la mejor empresa

The generated json files will look like:

// en.json
	"common": {
		"welcome": "Welcome",
		"help": "Help",
	"homepage": {
		"title": "Amazing Website",
		"description": "We're the best company",

// es.json
	"common": {
		"welcome": "Bienvenido",
		"help": "Ayuda",
	"homepage": {
		"title": "Sitio web increíble",
		"description": "Somos la mejor empresa",

2. Get the ID of your sheet and the ID of the page

The sheet you're working on has an ID to reference the document and another ID to reference the page. You can find them both in the URL as follows:{{ SPREADSHEET_ID }}/edit#gid={{ PAGE_ID }}

i.e, for the document with the URL:

SPREADSHEET_ID = "1LI9EmmidDE4ycu3H2zHJzgLD5yf8680O9nlj3_Df_Uo"
PAGE_ID = "2110510427"

Note: The Page ID can be 0 and that's totally fine :)

3. Add the library to your project


npm install --save google-docs-translate


yarn add google-docs-translate

And then create a script in your package.json file as follows:

	"scripts": {
		// ...

		"translate": "SPREADSHEET_ID=<<YOUR SPREADSHEET ID>> PAGE_ID=<<YOUR PAGE ID>> google-docs-translate"

		// ...

You can also pass a custom path where your files are going to be created by overwriting the default TRANSLATE_PATH. The default value is: ./src/locales

4. Get your translations

Run yarn translate and after a couple seconds, your translations folder should be created with all the translations inside. Use them as you need.


MIT © zimoo354

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  • zimoo354