
0.0.17 • Public • Published


A Linter for Git.

Manual git verifications automated :

Do I have conflict with anyone else?

Can I rebase my branch without bothering someone else?

Are my commit messages properly written?

Did I forget a TODO reminder, to tag an ISSUE, or to test something?

Glnt takes a look at your git history to answer these questions automatically.

It can be used to facilitate code reviews, enforce rules surrounding git in a team/project, provide automated feedbacks via CI tools or git hooks...


npm install -g glnt

or with yarn :

yarn global add glnt




The first usage will help you in creating your configuration if it doesn't already exist.

When you're done, run it again to run verifications:

Outputs warning or error messages to the console if any rules applied to your git history are broken.

Implemented rules can be configured via a .glntrc.json file placed at the root of the project repository.

Config Example:

  "origin": "origin/master",
  "shouldMergeWithOtherBranches": {
    "level": "INFO",
    "pattern": "origin/*"

When ran with this config, glnt will output a "shouldMergeWithOtherBranches" info if current HEAD does not merge with remote branches matching the pattern origin/*.

All rules can be set to "DISABLED", "INFO" or "ERROR".

  • level: DISABLED: the rule won't run at all
  • level: "INFO": the rule will display an informative message, but the script won't exit in an error
  • level: "ERROR": the rule will display an error message, and the script will exit with an error code (not 0, TODO implement exit code)

For script use, git hooks and CI: Exits with error code 1 if any rule configured with "level": "ERROR" do not pass the verification, exits with 0 otherwise.

Rules available

Should have properly formatted commit message

Default config :

  shouldHaveNCharPerLine: {
    "level": "INFO",
    "charactersPerLine": 72
  shouldHaveSeparatorLine: {
    "level": "INFO"
  shouldStartMessageWithUpperCase: {
    "level": "INFO"

For each commits between HEAD and origin :

  • Checks if the commit message has the right format:

    • Line separator between header and body

    • Character length per line of header and/or body

    • Starts with upper case

  • TODO: Checks if the commit message does not contain tags (for example a commit message should not contain "WIP")

  • TODO: Checks if the commit message contains tags (for example should contain related jira issue "#JIRA-123")

  • TODO: Add more rules based on good practices such as those listed in ( (

Should have tests

Default Config :

  "shouldHaveTests": {
    "level": "INFO",
    "subject": "**/*.js",
    "test": "**/*.test.js",
    "skipTags": [

For each commits between HEAD and origin :

  • Checks if the diff in a commit has code modifications. If so, it should also have test modifications, or a justification for not having tests in the commit message.

You can define the code files and test files in the .glntrc file with shouldHaveTests.subject and shouldHaveTests.test keys.

By default, it ensures that any code modification to a **/*.js file also has a modification to a **/*.test.js file.

If the commit message contains any tag in skipTags, this rule doesn't apply. The idea here is that if a code modification comes with no test modification, the commit message should try to provide an explanation.

  • TODO make the code filename match test filename

  • TODO add #refacto #iso #trivial for typical cases of diffs allowed without tests

  • TODO add tags in actual files to prevent this check, so that you don't need to mention it in every commit

Should not contain keywords in commit patch

Example config :

  "shouldHaveNoKeywordsInDiffs": {
    "level": "INFO",
    "keywords": ["TODO"]

For each commits between HEAD and origin :

  • checks if the content of a commit contains "TODO" (configurable)

For example you might want to avoid using, or be informed when using null, TODO, console.log (if you don't have a linter that already cover such rules)...

Should match patterns in branch name

Example config :

  "level": "INFO",
  "patterns": ["*AMX-*"]

For current HEAD, looks for current branch and :

  • check if any of the patterns listed match the branch name. See minimatch for more info on pattern matching.

Note: In detatched HEAD, branch name becomes "HEAD".

For example, in feature branch workflows, you could require that a branch name matches an issue key.

Should match patterns in commit message

Example config :

  "shouldHavePatternsInMessage": {
    "level": "INFO",
    "patterns": ["*#JIRA-*", "*#BUG-*"]

For each commits between HEAD and origin :

  • check if any of the patterns listed match the commit message. See minimatch for more info on pattern matching.

For example, you could require that each commit relate to a Jira issue key.

Should merge with other branches

Default configuration :

    "level": "INFO",
    "pattern": "origin/*"
  • Checks if the current HEAD merges with other remote branches matching then given pattern

Check git branch --remotes for the pattern syntax. (

This feedback allows you to detect conflicts early, you should try to solve them before piling more commits.

The default value merge-checks all remote branches via "pattern": "origin/*".

You could use "pattern": "origin/master" for example to only merge-check agains master.

You can also use branche naming patterns like "pattern": "origin/candidate/*" to only merge-check against branches following the naming pattern candidate/*.

Should not contain merge commits

TODO: Not implemented

For each commits between HEAD and origin :

  • checks if any commit is a merge commits (2 parents)

Should not be used by others

Example config :

  "shouldNotBeUsedByOthers": {
    "level": "INFO",
    "ignores": ["origin/wip"]
  • checks if any other remote branch uses a commits between current HEAD and origin. Ignores branches in the ignores list.

It allows you to check if using a rebase or commit --amend on your commit is dangerous or not.

Should not diverge too much from origin

TODO: Not implemented

  • checks if your branch is too far from origin and should be merged soon instead of diverging even further (max commit count?)

Should only contain renames in rename commits

TODO: Not implemented

  • checks if all diff modification only contain a rename if the commit message contain a rename keyword (default:keyword: #rename)

This rules facilitate review of large rename commits, ensuring nothing else beside the rename has been modified


After cloning the repository, you will need nodejs installed.

This project uses yarn. You can download dependencies via yarn: yarn install.

This project uses Typescript. Install via yarn global add tslint typescript.

The CLI can be executed via


yarn build compiles TS to JS

yarn build:watch compiles TS to JS in watch mode

yarn lint Runs tslint

yarn lint:watch runs tslint in watch mode

yarn test runs jest in watch mode

yarn prettier Formats code



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  • hvihvi