Github Jobs API
NPM module for Github Jobs API
npm install github-jobs
var jobs = require('github-jobs');
Search for positions
jobs.find([params], [callback]);//Return a promise
page : Used for pagination (optional) [default = 0]
timeout : Timeout in milliseconds (optional) [default = 10000]
term : A search term, such as "ruby" or "java". This parameter is aliased to search. (optional)
location : A city name, zip code, or other location search term. A city name, zip code, or other location search term. (optional)
lat : A specific latitude. If used, you must also send long and must not send location. (optional)
long : A specific longitude. If used, you must also send lat and must not send location. (optional)
full_time : If you want to limit results to full time positions set this parameter to 'true'. (optional)
function(err, jobs){
Find By Id
Find a position by the position id.
jobs;//Return a promise
Full Example
- With Promise
var jobs = ; jobs;
- With callback
var jobs = ; jobs;
How to contribute
Please check all tests after submit a merge request.
To run unit tests execute in the project folder execute
node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/