git-commit-msg is a commit-msg hook installer for git
with configuration available in package.json
The idea of this library is to force using semantic-release rules in commit-message using Angular Commit Message Conventions
Idea and some code for this package came from other package called pre-commit, credits for bash hook script and install/uninstall js scripts goes to guy who created pre-commit
Installation (NPM)
npm install git-commit-msg --save-dev
Installation (Yarn)
yarn add git-commit-msg --dev
This will replace commit-msg in your .git/hooks folder with code, that will run checks on every git commit.
Configuration is simple and is done in package.json
, you just need to add git-commit-msg object:
"git-commit-hook": "types": "feat" "fix" "chore" "docs" "refactor" "style" "perf" "test" "revert" "lineLength": 72 "scope": "mandatory": false "rules": ""
git-commit-hook.types (array of strings) will add rules, so your git commit messages must start using those types like
feat: <message>
feat(scope/filename): <message>
git-commit-hook.lineLength (integer) will make sure that lines in your commit message are always less or equal to the number you set into this config
This package is WIP, so propose your ideas - open issue or create pull request.