JavaScript library that can create animated GIFs from media streams, videos, or images
gifshot uses the following technologies:
The webRTC
API to get permission to use a user's webcam and manipulate theCameraStream
Media object -
APIs to handle the temporary blob URL creation -
element to stream the blob URL -
API to create a dynamic image from an HTML5 video, or images -
Web workers
to process the GIF frames -
Typed Arrays
to handle binary image data -
Base 64 encoding
to create a base 64 encoded image string
Browser Support
- Animated GIF from Webcam :
- Firefox 17+, Chrome 21+, Opera 18+, Blackberry Browser 10+, Opera Mobile 12+, Chrome For Android 35+, Firefox for Android 29+
- Animated GIF from Existing Video :
- All modern browsers (IE10+)
- Animated GIF from Existing Images :
- All modern browsers (IE10+)
Quick Start
- Include
on your HTML page (gifshot.js
can be found in thebuild
- Start using the JavaScript API to create your animated GIFs
// By default, a user's webcam is used to create the animated GIFgifshot;
Demo Set Up
- git clone this repo:
git clone
- Install Node.js
- Install all local dependencies:
npm install
- Start up the included node.js preview server:
npm run preview
- Go to
to try out gifshot
API Methods
createGIF(options, callback)
Creates an animated GIF from either a webcam stream, an existing video (e.g. mp4), or existing images
Note: If you wish to use the default options, you can just pass a callback function as the only argument
Another Note: An object is passed back to the callback function with helpful data
takeSnapShot(options, callback)
Takes a snap shot (not animated) image from a webcam stream or existing video
Note: If you wish to use the default options, you can just pass a callback function as the only argument
Another Note: An object is passed back to the callback function with helpful data
Turns off the user's webcam (by default, the user's webcam is turned off)
Note: This is helpful when you use the keepCameraOn
If the current browser supports all of the gifshot animated GIF options
If the current browser supports creating animated GIFs from a webcam video stream
If the current browser supports creating animated GIFs from an existing HTML video (e.g. mp4, ogg, ogv, webm)
Note: You can pass in an array of codec extensions to specifically check if the current browser supports at least one of them
If the current browser supports creating animated GIFs from existing images (e.g. jpeg, png, gif)
Web Cam
HTML5 Video
Snap Shot
// Desired width of the image'gifWidth': 200// Desired height of the image'gifHeight': 200// If this option is used, then a GIF will be created using these images// e.g. ['', '', ''],// Note: Make sure these image resources are CORS enabled to prevent any cross-origin JavaScript errors// Note: You may also pass a NodeList of existing image elements on the page'images': // If this option is used, then a gif will be created using the appropriate video// HTML5 video that you would like to create your animated GIF from// Note: Browser support for certain video codecs is checked, and the appropriate video is selected// Note: You may also pass a NodeList of existing video elements on the page// e.g. 'video': ['example.mp4', 'example.ogv'],'video': null// You can pass an existing video element to use for the webcam GIF creation process,// and this video element will not be hidden (useful when used with the keepCameraOn option)// Pro tip: Set the height and width of the video element to the same values as your future GIF// Another Pro Tip: If you use this option, the video will not be paused, the object url not revoked, and// the video will not be removed from the DOM. You will need to handle this yourself.'webcamVideoElement': null// Whether or not you would like the user's camera to stay on after the GIF is created// Note: The cameraStream Media object is passed back to you in the createGIF() callback function'keepCameraOn': false// Expects a cameraStream Media object// Note: Passing an existing camera stream will allow you to create another GIF and/or snapshot without// asking for the user's permission to access the camera again if you are not using SSL'cameraStream': null// CSS filter that will be applied to the image (eg. blur(5px))'filter': ''// The amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each frame capture'interval': 01// The amount of time (in seconds) to start capturing the GIF (only for HTML5 videos)'offset': null// The number of frames to use to create the animated GIF// Note: Each frame is captured every 100 milleseconds of a video and every ms for existing images'numFrames': 10// The amount of time (10 = 1s) to stay on each frame'frameDuration': 1// The text that covers the animated GIF'text': ''// The font weight of the text that covers the animated GIF'fontWeight': 'normal'// The font size of the text that covers the animated GIF'fontSize': '16px'// The minimum font size of the text that covers the animated GIF// Note: This option is only applied if the text being applied is cut off'minFontSize': '10px'// Whether or not the animated GIF text will be resized to fit within the GIF container'resizeFont': false// The font family of the text that covers the animated GIF'fontFamily': 'sans-serif'// The font color of the text that covers the animated GIF'fontColor': '#ffffff'// The horizontal text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF'textAlign': 'center'// The vertical text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF'textBaseline': 'bottom'// The X (horizontal) Coordinate of the text that covers the animated GIF (only use this if the default textAlign and textBaseline options don't work for you)'textXCoordinate': null// The Y (vertical) Coordinate of the text that covers the animated GIF (only use this if the default textAlign and textBaseline options don't work for you)'textYCoordinate': null// Callback function that provides the current progress of the current image {}// Callback function that is called when the current image is completed {}// how many pixels to skip when creating the palette. Default is 10. Less is better, but slower.// Note: By adjusting the sample interval, you can either produce extremely high-quality images slowly, or produce good images in reasonable times.// With a sampleInterval of 1, the entire image is used in the learning phase, while with an interval of 10,// a pseudo-random subset of 1/10 of the pixels are used in the learning phase. A sampling factor of 10 gives a// substantial speed-up, with a small quality penalty.'sampleInterval': 10// how many web workers to use to process the animated GIF frames. Default is 2.'numWorkers': 2// Whether or not you would like to save all of the canvas image binary data from your created GIF// Note: This is particularly useful for when you want to re-use a GIF to add text to later'saveRenderingContexts': false// Expects an array of canvas image data// Note: If you set the saveRenderingContexts option to true, then you get the savedRenderingContexts// in the createGIF callback function'savedRenderingContexts': // When existing images or videos are requested used, we set a CORS attribute on the request.// Options are 'Anonymous', 'use-credentials', or a falsy value (like '') to not set a CORS attribute.'crossOrigin': 'Anonymous'
Please send all PR's to the dev
If your PR is a code change:
- Install all node.js dev dependencies:
npm install
- Update the appropriate module inside of the
directory. - Install gulp.js globally:
sudo npm install gulp -g
- Build, Test, and Minify gifshot with Gulp:
- Verify that the minified output file has been updated in
and that no unit tests are failing. - Send the PR!
Note: There is a gulp watch
task set up that will automatically build, test, and minify gifshot whenever a module inside of the src/modules
directory is changed. We recommend using it.
gifshot would not have been possible without the help/inspiration of the following libraries/awesome people:
- An image quantization algorithm to reduce the number of colors required to represent the image (thus decreasing the file size). This script was ported from C into Java by Kevin Weiner and then to ActionScript 3 by Thibault Imbert, and to JavaScript by antimatter15, and fixed, patched and revised by sole.
- Copyright (c) Anthony Dekker 1994 - MIT License
- Encodes a GIF into the GIF89 spec
- Copyright (c) Dean McNamee, 2013 - MIT License
- A module wrapping WebRTC's getUserMedia
- Uses web workers and encoding/decoding algorithms to produce a Base 64 data URI image
- Jen Fong-Adwent's (aka Edna Piranha) Meatspace Chat