TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published


This helper function is intended to get the rendered width of text. It leverages canvas to simulate the rendered text and calculate the width using the font of your project.

It also has a backup height:width ratio number in case something goes wrong with the canvas.

Returns numeric value of width in pixels


Here is an example of how to implement this function.

import { getTextWidth } from 'get-text-width';

const width = getTextWidth("Hello world");

// The function also accepts as custom 
// backup font height:width ratio like so:
const width = getTextWidth("Hello world", 0.5);

Live demo

Common fonts height:width aspect ratios

Sans-serif fonts
Font Aspect ratio
Arial 0.52
Arial Black 0.52
Calibri 0.46
Candara 0.47
Century Gothic 0.53
Corbel 0.46
DejaVu Sans 0.55
DejaVu Sans Condensed 0.55
DejaVu Sans Light 0.55
Eurostile 0.47
Franklin Gothic 0.49
Futura 0.51
Gadget 0.55
Geneva 0.55
Gill Sans 0.45
GNU Free Sans 0.53
Goudy Sans 0.48
Helvetica 0.52
Helvetica Neue 0.52
Impact 0.65
Liberation Sans 0.53
Lucida Grande 0.53
Lucida Sans Unicode 0.53
Myriad 0.48
Optima 0.47
Serpentine BoldBold 0.47
Stone Sans 0.52
Tahoma 0.55
Trebuchet MS 0.52
Verdana 0.55
Serif fonts
Font Aspect ratio
Baskerville 0.45
Bernhard Modern 0.34
Big Caslon 0.47
Book Antiqua 0.46
Bookman Old Style 0.47
Calisto MT 0.47
Cambria 0.47
Century 0.46
Century Schoolbook 0.46
Cochin 0.37
Constantia 0.45
DejaVu Serif 0.52
DejaVu Serif Condensed 0.52
Didot 0.43
Garamond 0.38
Georgia 0.48
GNU Free Serif 0.45
Goudy Old Style 0.40
Hoefler Text 0.44
Humana Serif 0.50
Janson Text 0.43
Liberation Serif 0.46
Minion 0.45
New York 0.55
Palatino 0.46
Times New Roman 0.45
Monopace fonts
Font Aspect ratio
Andale Mono 0.51
Consolas 0.49
Courier New 0.43
DejaVu Mono 0.55
GNU Free Mono 0.42
Liberation Mono 0.53
Lucida Console 0.53
Script/Display/Decorative fonts
Font Aspect ratio
URW Alcuin SCT 0.51
American Typewriter 0.51
Barbedor 0.49
Caflisch Script 0.37
Chalkboard 0.53
Charlemagne 0.74
Comic Sans MS 0.55
Copperplate 0.44
Corsiva 0.60
Flemish Script 0.28
Herculanum 0.61
Marker Felt 0.62
Papyrus 0.46
Sand 0.69
Textile 0.68


Happy coding! 🗒

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npm i get-text-width

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  • eduardo-vargas