Web generator
Build a modern website with h5bp, bootstrap 3, jquery (and modernizr, underscore, Font Awesome). Uses bower for dependencies and grunt for tasks.
View the initial page: (http://gilbarbara.github.io/generator-web/)
- Built-in preview server with LiveReload
- Automagically compile Sass
- Automagically concatenate, lint and compress your scripts
- Optional - Modernizr builds
- Optional - Underscore.js
- Optional - Font Awesome
- Optional - Respond.js (for IE8)
- Optional - html5shiv (for IE8)
For more information on what generator-web
can do for you, take a look at the Grunt tasks used in our package.json
Getting Started
- Install:
npm install -g generator-web
- Run:
yo web AppName
- Run
grunt serve
for preview
Skips the automatic execution of
after scaffolding has finished.