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Create new plugins for tiddlywiki 5 easily

The hardest part for me when I started programming plugins for tiddlywiki was generating an appropriate project. Hope this generator saves you all the headache and confusion I suffered at the beginning.


First, install Yeoman and generator-tw5-plugin using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-tw5-plugin

Then generate your new project:

mkdir myCoolPlugin
cd myCoolPlugin
yo tw5-plugin


  • Very comfortable developer experience
  • Use latest Javascript ES6 features thanks to Babel
  • Automatic github pages publishing using Travis-CI
  • Easy management using npm scripts
  • Automatic code rebuild and server restart on changes using nodemon
  • Add plugins just by selecting them from a list of official ones
  • Add themes just by selecting them from a list of official ones
  • Add languages just by selecting them from a list of official ones
  • Scaffolding of tiddlywiki's Javascript modules (just during project generation at the moment)
    • startup module
    • javascript macro
    • javascript library

Future features

  • Scaffolding of all kind of tiddlywiki Javascript modules using subgenerators


The project that this generator creates uses npm scripts for operation. To run an npm script just execute npm run scriptName. The following npm scripts are available:

  • build: Generates a non minified version of the plugin on the dist folder and bundles the plugin
  • build:production: Same as build but with code minification
  • build:index: Creates a tiddlywiki file containing your plugin and your presentation tiddlers. Useful for publishing.
  • docs: Generates documentation from your plugin's Javascript code using JsDocs
  • start: Starts a tiddlywiki server at http://localhost:8080. Useful for testing your project before publishing, or generating the demo tiddlers. You can run this script directly just by doing npm start.

There are other scripts, but they are not intended to be used manually.

An usual workflow could be:

  1. Write javascript code (startup modules, savers, sync adaptors, macros...)
  2. Write plugin-specific tiddlers
  3. Start the tiddlywiki server with npm start to check that everything works
  4. Optionally use the running tiddlywiki server to write demonstration tiddlers
  5. Stop the server, generate an index and publish it to gh-pages

Using Travis-CI for automatic publishing

The generated project includes a .travis.yml file for automatic publishing to github pages. All you have to do is enable travis on your repository. To be able to publish to github pagesyou need to configure an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN containinng a github token with on your travis-ci dashboard. Instructions about generating the token are here, and how to setup the environment variable is here.

Scaffolded project structure

The created folder structure looks as follows:

|-- dist/             <-- your plugin will end here after the build process (babel, scss, etc)
|-- wiki/
|    |--
|    |-- tiddlers/          <-- put your presentation tiddlers here
|    |   |-- ReadMe.tid
|    |-- output/          <-- Generated wikis will be here. Do not put anything here manually
|-- src/
|    |-- jsdoc/ <-- API documentation
|    |   |-- config.json
|    |   |--
|    |-- plugins/
|        |-- author/
|            |-- pluginName/
|                | --
|                | -- js/      <-- put your javascript code here
|                | -- tiddlers/      <-- put your plugin specific tiddlers here
|                    | -- readme.tid

Why so many readmes

You may have noticed that there are several readme files. This is because each one fulfills one specific purpose. There are three kind of readme files:

  • Wiki readme: This readme will be used to generate the readme of your repository, and will also be included into your demonstration wiki
  • Plugin readme: This is the readme that ships with your plugin. It should contain information about what is your plugin about
  • API readme: This readme will be used as home page of the generated API docuemntation using jsdocs

Special thanks

Special thanks to felixhayasi, the creator of tiddlymap. He is the author of the original gulpfile that powers the projects bootstrapped using this yeoman generator.

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.


MIT © Danielo Rodriguez Rivero

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