Spring Hexagonal Project
A Yeoman generator for generating Microservices with SpringBoot in Hexagonal Architecture
How to use?
> npm install -g yo
> npm i generator-springboot-hexagonal
> yo springboot-hexagonal
to known more look at the doc page https://spark-life.gitbook.io/spring-hexagonal/
- SpringBoot REST API
- Spring Data JPA integration with option to select databases like MySQL, Postgresql, MariaDB etc
- RabbitMQ
- Kubernetes
- Flyway data migration support
- SpringBoot Actuator configuration
- Spring Native / GraalVM
- ReactJS starter
- TestContainers integration
- JUnit 5
- ArchUnit
- Localstack configuration
- Swagger UI Integration
Generate REST API with CRUD operations
You can generate REST API with CRUD operation using the following command:
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:hexagonal Customer
Customer will be the name used in DTOs, Mappers and Models
This will generate:
- JPA entity
- Spring Data JPA Repository
- Service
- Spring MVC REST Controller with CRUD operations
- Unit and Integration Tests for REST Controller
- Flyway migration to create table
Other commands
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:kubernetes
see more in https://spark-life.gitbook.io/spring-hexagonal/generators/kubernetes
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:react
see more in https://spark-life.gitbook.io/spring-hexagonal/generators/react
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:rabbitmq Customer
see more in https://spark-life.gitbook.io/spring-hexagonal/generators/rabbitmq
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:security
- in dev
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:kafka
- in dev
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:webclient Person --uri https://testnets-api.opensea.io
- in dev
Local Development Setup
> git clone https://github.com/odilio/generator-springboot.git
> cd generator-springboot
> npm install
> npm link
> yo springboot-hexagonal
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:cassandra
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:mongodb
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:grpc
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:gateway
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:oauth2
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:mail
myservice> yo springboot-hexagonal:reactadmin