generator-react-webpack V3.0 (legacy)
! This is the branch for the current stable 3.x release. It will only receive bugfixes, but no new features. Make sure to use master for the lastest version.
Yeoman generator for ReactJS - lets you quickly set up a project including karma test runner and Webpack module system.
Generator-React-Webpack will help you build new React projects using modern technologies.
Out of the box it comes with support for:
- Webpack
- ES2015 via Babel-Loader
- Different supported style languages (sass, scss, less, stylus)
- Style transformations via PostCSS
- Automatic code linting via esLint
- Ability to unit test components via Karma and Mocha/Chai
Changes in Version 2.0
This generator is written in ES2015. This means it is not compatible with node.js versions before 4.0.
It also does NOT include support for Flux-Frameworks anymore. Instead, we will use it as a base for other generators to build upon. This will make the base generator easier to use and update.
If you are interested, feel free to write your own generator and use generator-react-webpack as a base (via composition).
If you have built a generator using generator-react-webpack, tell us and we will add a link to our README.
Generators that extend generator-react-webpack
- Generator-React-Webpack-Alt (Adds ability to create actions, stores and sources for alt.js)
- Generator-React-Webpack-Redux (Adds ability to create actions and reducers for Redux)
# Make sure both is installed globally npm install -g yonpm install -g generator-react-webpack
Setting up projects
# Create a new directory, and `cd` into it: mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project # Run the generator yo react-webpack
Please make sure to edit your newly generated package.json
file to set description, author information and the like.
Generating new components
# After setup of course :) # cd my-new-project yo react-webpack:component my/namespaced/components/name
The above command will create a new component, as well as its stylesheet and a basic testcase.
Generating new stateless functional components
yo react-webpack:component my/namespaced/components/name --stateless
Stateless functional components where introduced in React v0.14. They have a much shorter syntax than regular ones and no state or lifecycle methods at all. Please read the React 0.14 release notes to get more information about those components.
Note: You will still be able to set properties for stateless components!
Adding PostCSS plugins
If you have enabled PostCSS at generation time, install your PostCSS plugins via npm and require it in postcss function in cfg/base.js.
Example for autoprefixer:
cd my-new-projectnpm install autoprefixer
Require in cfg/base.js
...postcss: function () { return [ require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'ie >= 8'] }) ];}...
The following commands are available in your project:
# Start for development npm start # or npm run serve # Start the dev-server with the dist version npm run serve:dist # Just build the dist version and copy static files npm run dist # Run unit tests npm test # Lint all files in src (also automatically done AFTER tests are run) npm run lint # Clean up the dist directory npm run clean # Just copy the static assets npm run copy
Naming Components
We have opted to follow @floydophone convention of uppercase for component file naming e.g. Component.js. I am open to suggestions if there is a general objection to this decision.
Each component is a module and can be required using the Webpack module system. Webpack uses Loaders which means you can also require CSS and a host of other file types. Read the Webpack documentation to find out more.
Thanks to Edd Hannay for his Webpack optimisations, my local merge and testing meant his additions lost his signature (my fault, sorry). So, big thanks Edd.
Contributions are welcomed. When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.
Running Tests
npm test
or node node_modules/.bin/mocha