lightweight yeoman generator to get you started with the beautiful react-electron combo.
Getting started
The usage is very simple:
- installign yeoman, if you haven't done that yet
npm install -g yo
- installing the generator
npm install generator-react-electron -g
- call this from inside the folder you want to bootstrap your application
yo react-electron
And you are now good to go!
Development and deployment
- to start the development environment with hot reloading
npm run electron-dev
- to create an optimized version of you app (output in the dist folder)
npm run electron-pack
If you chose to have autoupdates, change the package version, run the following line, then go to the repository's releases and publish the new release.
npm run ship
If you opted-in prettier, your files will automatically be linted on commit, or when you run
npm run pretty
If you chose to use sass, it will be converted into css automatically when building and is also hot-reloaded during development