TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published

Welcome to generator-quality-vue3-plugin 👋

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

Yeoman generator to create a Vue3 plugin with eslint, prettier, commitlint, husky, babel and other tools.

🏠 Homepage

This generator was created using generator-esmodules-generator version 0.1.1

The generator-quality-vue3-plugin provides a structure to create a Vue3 plugin similar to that used in the: @cljmenez/vue-localstorage-reactive. The structure created by this generator includes:

Example of a Vue3 plugin generated by generator-quality-vue3-plugin:


This generator uses rollup to create the dist folder. The packages published by this generator are exported using the following structure:


"main": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
  "types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts",
  "import": "./dist/esm/index.mjs",
  "require": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs"
"files": [


First, install Yeoman and generator-quality-vue3-plugin using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-quality-vue3-plugin

Then generate your new project:

yo quality-vue3-plugin

The folder structure

The folders created by this generator are:

  • __tests__: Contains the tests.

  • .husky: Contains the scripts used by husky.

  • coverage: Contains the test coverage.

  • dist: Includes three folders:

    • cjs: Source code transpiled to es5 (index.cjs).
    • esm: Source code transpiled to es6 (index.mjs).
    • types: Declaration file (index.d.ts).
  • src: Contains the source code. It includes the files and folders

    • globals: Contains the files to extends @vue/runtime-core. The functions $getGreeting and $greet are added in globalProperties for this generator when it creates the default plugin:


    • gretting: Example folder. Contains the functions $getGreeting and $greet.

    • installer: Contains the class used to install the plugin (class that contains the install method).

    • main.js: Exports the function createInstaller used to create the installer object that will be used to install the plugin in Vue3.





      The main.js file also it is the entrypoint used by rollup to generate the es5 and es6 folders (see rollup.config.js or rollup.config.mjs)

  • index.ts: Exports the globals/index.js content and the createInstaller. It is the entrypoint used by rollup to generate the types folder (see rollup.config.js or rollup.config.mjs)

The configuration files

The configuration files included are:

  • Eslint: .eslintignore (the files and directories ignored by eslint) and .eslintrc.json (configuration used by eslint).

  • Git: .gitignore (the files and directories ignored by git).

  • Lint-staged: .lintstagedrc.json (configuration used by lint-staged).

  • Prettier: .prettierignore (the files and directories ignored by prettier) and .prettierrc.json (configuration used by prettier).

  • Babel: babel.config.json (configuration used by babel):

    • The env.buildCommonjs contains the configuration used to transpile the source code to es5. It is used into rollup.config.js and rollup.config.mjs.

    • The env.buildESmodules contains the configuration used to transpile the source code to es6. It is used into rollup.config.js and rollup.config.mjs.

    • If the package.json, generated by this generator, contains the field type:commonjs will be included the env.test property in babel.config.json. That property is used by jest to transpile the source code to es5 before to run the tests.

  • Commitlint: commitlint.config.js (configuration used by commitlint).

  • Jest: jest.config.js (configuration used by jest).

  • Rollup: rollup.config.js and rollup.config.mjs (configuration used by rollup).

  • TypeScript: tsconfig.json (configuration used by TypeScript compiler).

The question: Do you want to automatically run the scripts that configure the package, then installing the dependencies?

When you selects the true value, the following scripts ubicated in the package.json are executed:

  • init
  • documentation:create
  • test
  • build

If you selects the false value, you must run npm run init obligatory.

The scripts in package.json

The more important scripts added into the package.json created by this generator are:

  • "init": Runs the commands necessary to initialize the package, for example init:husky.
  • "documentation:create": Creates documentation using readme-md-generator.
  • "format": Checks the format using prettier.
  • "format:fix": Fixes the format using prettier.
  • "format:build-stage" and "format:build-stage:fix": similar to "format" and "format:fix". They used when the npm run build is called.
  • "lint": static code analysis using eslint.
  • "lint:fix": Fixes the code using eslint.
  • "lint:build-stage" and "lint:build-stage:fix": similar to "lint" and "lint:fix". They are used when the npm run build is called.
  • "build:bundle": Bundles the files into src folder using rollup. It is used when the npm run build is called.
  • "build:tsc": Generates .d.ts files using the TypeScript compilator. It is used when the npm run build is called.
  • "build": Generates the dist folder that contains the cjs folder (source code transpiled to es5), the esm folder (source code transpiled to es6), and types folder (it contains the declaration files).
  • "prepublishOnly": Used before publishing your package using npm publish. Runs npm run build.
  • "test": Runs the tests using jest.
  • "commitlint": Runs commitlint. It is used into .husky/commit-msg file. It is called by the commit-msg hook. See git hook.
  • "lint-staged": Runs lint-staged. It is used into .husky/pre-commit file. It is called by the pre-commit hook. See git hook.
  • "quality-check": Runs npm run format && npm run lint && npm run test. It is used into .husky/pre-push file. It is called by the pre-push hook See git hook.

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.


👤 Cristopher Jiménez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2023 Cristopher Jiménez.
This project is MIT licensed.

This README was generated with ❤️ by readme-md-generator

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  • cljimenez