
0.5.1 • Public • Published


Meanly is a Yeoman generator for creating MEAN stack applications, using AngularJS, MongoDB, Express and Node.

You can read more about this application and the API on our wiki page.

How to

Use the generator

In order to run the generator, you'll need:

  1. Node - Download
  2. yo - npm install -g yo
  3. bower - npm install -g bower
  4. obviously, this generator - npm install -g generator-meanly

    How to run the generator:
  5. Navigate to the folder where you wish to generate the application
  6. Run yo meanly
  7. You will get a number of questions about which elements your wish to generate
  8. After you answer the questions, the project structure will be generated and the dependencies installed

Run the project

In order to run the generated application you'll need:

  1. Node ~v4.0.0 - Download
  2. Gulp - npm install -g gulp
  3. MongoDB - Download

    How to run the application?
  4. Install the dependencies mentioned above
  5. Make sure the MongoDB server is running
  6. Get the project files
  7. Run gulp in your console
  8. The port on which the application is running will be displayed in the console

More information about the gulp file and the tasks associated can be found on our wiki page.

Supported Configurations:


  • Scripts: JavaScript
  • Markup: HTML
  • Stiling: CSS, Sass(with or without Scss), Less
  • Optional: PostCSS


  • Database: MongoDB

Project Structure

MVC Structure

├── gulp_tasks              - Gulp task functions, split by functionality: styles.js, server.js, etc.
├── public
│   ├── app                 - All of our app specific components go in here
│   │     ├── controllers   - The application specific Angular Controllers
│   │     │
│   │     ├── directives    - The application specific Angular Directives
│   │     │
│   │     ├── services      - The application specific Angular Services and Factories
│   │     │
│   │     └── filters       - The application specific Angular Filters
│   │
│   ├── assets              - Custom assets: styles, images
│   │    ├── images         - Project related images
│   │    └── styles         - Style collection for the project
│   ├── template            - Template components: layout, header, footer, etc.
│   │
│   ├── partials            - Partials
│   │
│   └── vendor              - Vendor components: Bower installs
└── server
    ├── config              - Environment configuration folder
    ├── controllers         - Server controllers
    ├── models              - Server models (mongoose schemas, object models)
    └── views               - Server rendered views

Modular Structure

├── gulp_tasks              - Gulp task functions, split by functionality: styles.js, server.js, etc.
├── public
│   ├── app                 - All of our app specific components go in here
│   │     └── Home          - Client application module that contains the controller, 
│   │                         services and all the other elements specific to this module
│   │
│   ├── assets              - Custom assets: styles, images
│   │    ├── images         - Project related images
│   │    └── styles         - Style collection for the project
│   ├── template            - Template components: layout, header, footer, etc.
│   │
│   ├── partials            - Partials
│   │
│   └── vendor              - Vendor components: Bower installs
└── server
    ├── config              - Environment configuration folder
    └── Public              - Client application module that contains the controller,
                              models and all the other elements specific to this module

More information about the structures available can be found on our wiki page.

Version 0.5.1 (Beta)

It is encouraged to contribute with ideas and solutions.

More information about the project's versions can be found on our wiki page.

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npm i generator-meanly

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Last publish


  • bogdandorca