
0.4.0 • Public • Published

Maido Yeoman Generator

This generator will create a project from scratch using Yeoman, Node, Bower and Grunt. It will create a project by defining configuration options through the wizard.

Running this generator will provide a back-end php framework skeleton if desired, front-end folder structure and dependency management setup, development and build processes, and other common project configuration files.


It requires Node / NPM - Get Node JS

npm install -g yo

npm install -g generator-maido


To update yo and generator-maido:

npm update -g yo

npm update -g generator-maido


mkdir project-name && cd project-name
yo maido

Editing this generator and templates

The main script file for this module is in /app/index.js. It extends Yeoman's Base module and contains all options, prompts and lists of tasks. See Yeoman's documentation

Additionally, all template files that this generator will use to create a project can be found in /app/templates

Wizard Options

Project name? Defaults to the humanised version of the current working directory

PHP framework? Zend Framework 2, Laravel, None

PHP framework branch, tag or commit? Defaults to master, but it can point to any valid Git id

Use MaidoJs common files? Defaults to true. If enabled, this option will also use Backbone-Requirejs.

Use Backbone-Requirejs folder structure? Defaults to true

Use Jam? Defaults to true

Scaffold javascript pages/routes (comma-separated list)? Accepts a comma-separated list of valid values (e.g. home, game, terms-conditions), if empty defaults to demo

Include Vagrant configuration? Defaults to true

Use database? Defaults to true

Database name? Defaults to the underscored version of the current working directory name (e.g. 'test project' will become 'test_project')

Minimum IE version support? IE 8, IE 9

See below for more details about each option.

Generated content

PHP Framework (optional)

Option: ZF2 Skeleton

It will clone the zf2 skeleton application and copy its full contents to the project's root except for composer.phar, LICENSE.txt, public/css, public/fonts, public/img, public/js, module/Application/language

  • @todo Update module.config.php

  • @todo Update Application/src/Module.php with db session configuration

Option: Laravel

It will clone the Laravel repository and copy its full contents to the project's root directory.

  • @todo Create config files (staging, local, production)


Backbone-Require.js files and structure (optional)

The generator will create a basic folder structure in /public/assets/js

  • /src/main.js
  • /src/app/app.js
  • /src/app/router/router.js
  • /src/app/view/main.js
  • /src/app/model
  • /dist

It will also (conditionally, based on options provided) add and install dependencies with Bower and re-configure main.js by adding paths to these components in the paths key.

MaidoJs (common javascript require.js modules) (optional)

The generator will clone Maido Js from Bitbucket using bower and copy all .js files to public/assets/js/src/lib keeping the folder structure.

Some modules included:

  • Backbone plugins (TreeView, Load)
  • Tracking (Analytics, pixel)
  • Facebook (user, photos, share)
  • Instagram (photos)
  • Asynchronous image upload

And more...

Javascript pages/routes scaffolding (optional)

For each valid value passed in the wizard's Page scaffolding option (as comma-separated values) it will create a view script in /src/app/view/page, configure the route in /src/app/router/router.js and it as a dependency in /src/app/view/main.js


It will obtain Modernizr as a Bower dependency and copy modernizr.js to /public/assets/js/src/, which will later be optimised when building and output to /public/assets/js/dist/

Jam CSS Framework (optional)

The generator will get Jam as a Bower dependency and copy all files to /public, excluding .editorconfig, .gitignore,, bower.json,, _.htaccess

Jam is mantained by Nathan Reed

Other configuration files

  • /.gitignore
  • /.editorconfig

Vagrant (optional)

  • Vagrantfile
  • ./vagrant
  • @todo configuration

Grunt tasks (Gruntfile)

It requires running npm install first in other dev enviornments, to fetch node dependencies first.

These tasks will be registered by default in ./Gruntfile:


  • It runs compass:dev and watch (optional, when using Jam)

To run:




  • Compresses css compass:dist (optional, when using Jam)

  • Optimises images with imagemin (optional, when using Jam)

  • Optimises modernizr by code analysis using grunt-modernizr

  • Concatenates and uglifies javascripts using grunt-requirejs reading the optimiser's configuration from /public/assets/js/src/main.js (optional, when using MaidoJs or Backbone-Requirejs)

To run:

grunt build


It lists all the available tasks

To run:

grunt info


  • It runs grunt-bower-requirejs and re-configures main.js paths to point to bower components.

This task will be automatically called from .bowerrc post-install script, after a new component gets installed using Bower.

In short it will automatically run after doing:

bower install $component$




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  • maido