A Yeoman generator to help get you started with Business Central extension development. Example code is based on this Hello World repository: https://dev.azure.com/businesscentralapps/HelloWorld
- Install:
npm install -g generator-dynbc
- Run:
yo dynbc
yo dynbc
shows a wizard for generating an app -
yo dynbc <name> --skip-quiz
generates a new app with the name<name>
yo dynbc --help
shows available commands and options
: shows available commands and options -
: skips wizard to use specified options instead -
: first Object ID of your range -
: Business Central main version number, 14, 15 or 16 -
: number of Objects -
: company suffix to be added to Object names -
: publisher name
yo dynbc MyNewApp
Wizard questions:
? App name -> MyNewApp
? Business Central Main version -> v16.0 2020 April
? First Object ID -> 50000
? Number of Objects -> 10
? Publisher name -> My Company
? Preferred Object Suffix -> XXX
? Would you like to add Unit Testing? (Y/n) -> Y
? Test Suite Name -> DEFAULT
create MyNewAppApp\app.json
create MyNewAppApp\src\PageExt.HelloWorld.al
create MyNewAppTest\Scenarios\ScenarioTemplate.ps1
create MyNewAppTest\tests\HelloWorldTests.al
create MyNewAppTest\app.json
create MyNewAppTest\src\TestSuiteInstaller.al
create MyNewAppTest\src\TestSuiteMgmt.al
create MyNewApp.code-workspace
This mode automatically generates Unit Testing with "DEFAULT" Test Suite.
yo dynbc MyNewApp --bcversion 15 --start-id 50000 --range 10 --publisher "My Company" --suffix DBC --skip-quiz
unattended mode...
--skip-quiz selected, skipping wizard...
create MyNewAppApp\app.json
create MyNewAppApp\src\PageExt.HelloWorld.al
create MyNewAppTest\Scenarios\ScenarioTemplate.ps1
create MyNewAppTest\tests\HelloWorldTests.al
create MyNewAppTest\app.json
create MyNewAppTest\src\TestSuiteInstaller.al
create MyNewAppTest\src\TestSuiteMgmt.al
create MyNewApp.code-workspace