
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Yeoman Generator for BB10 Cordova Headless apps

This is a Yeoman generator that will create the basic scaffolding for a BB10 Cordova app, including a native Headless component. The generator will create a native C++ project in the HeadlessService folder. The app will be initialized with the necessary pieces to launch the HeadlessService in config.xml.

Yeoman and Generator Installation

Install Yeoman globally from NPM:

    npm install -g yo

Install the generator globally as well

    npm install -g generator-bb10-headless

Running the Generator

Run the generator like so, in the directory where you want to generate the new app:

    yo bb10-headless

The BlackBerry10 platform and Invoke plugin will be added and the project prepared for building.

Next Steps

Finally, run the sample so it builds to your device:

    cordova run

Checkout the documentation on headless apps, though you can ignore the section on how to create them.

Package Sidebar


npm i generator-bb10-headless

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  • timwindsor
  • blackberry