gaydients is a collection of lgbtqiap+ gradients made with css. they help make the web gay. free and always will be.
view examples at
install with npm:
npm install gaydients --save
install with yarn:
yarn add gaydients
getting started
there's a few ways to use gaydients, depending on your use case.
if you're using any of the css-in-js flavors, the best way is to just import the styles as an object:
import gaydients from 'gaydients';
this gives you access to each of values ready for you to use:
prideFlag: ...
prideGradient: ...
transFlag: ...
transGradient: ...
enbyFlag: ...
enbyGradient: ...
genderqueerFlag: ...
genderqueerGradient: ...
aceFlag: ...
aceGradient: ...
pansexualFlag: ...
pansexualGradient: ...
aroFlag: ...
aroGradient: ...
agenderFlag: ...
agenderGradient: ...
intersexFlag: ...
intersexGradient: ...
bisexualFlag: ...
bisexualGradient: ...
rainbowFlag: ...
rainbowGradient: ...
blackTransFlag: ...
blackTransGradient: ...
genderfluidFlag: ...
genderfluidGradient: ...
you can also just import the ones you need:
import {transFlag, enbyFlag} from 'gaydients';
there's also convenient classes you can use for default flags and gradients.
just import the sass:
@import "~gaydients/gaydients.scss";
class name | description |
.gaydient-pride-flag | pride flag background |
.gaydient-pride-gradient | pride gradient background |
.gaydient-trans-flag | trans flag background |
.gaydient-trans-gradient | trans gradient background |
.gaydient-enby-flag | enby flag background |
.gaydient-enby-gradient | enby gradient background |
.gaydient-genderqueer-flag | genderqueer flag background |
.gaydient-genderqueer-gradient | genderqueer gradient background |
.gaydient-ace-flag | ace flag background |
.gaydient-ace-gradient | ace gradient background |
.gaydient-rainbow-flag | pansexual flag background |
.gaydient-pansexual-gradient | pansexual gradient background |
.gaydient-aro-flag | aro flag background |
.gaydient-aro-gradient | aro gradient background |
.gaydient-agender-flag | agender flag background |
.gaydient-agender-gradient | agender gradient background |
.gaydient-intersex-flag | intersex flag background |
.gaydient-intersex-gradient | intersex gradient background |
.gaydient-bisexual-flag | bisexual flag background |
.gaydient-bisexual-gradient | bisexual gradient background |
.gaydient-rainbow-flag | rainbow flag background |
.gaydient-rainbow-gradient | rainbow gradient background |
.gaydient-black-trans-flag | Black trans flag background |
.gaydient-black-trans-gradient | Black trans gradient background |
.gaydient-genderfluid-flag | genderfluid flag background |
.gaydient-genderfluid-gradient | genderfluid gradient background |
you can also set change the .gaydient
class prefix by setting $gaydients-class-prefix
to whatever you want.
below are the available functions to build out flags.
function used to generate pride flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$black | #000000 | black portion | hex |
$brown | #72501E | purple portion | hex |
$red | #ff0018 | red portion | hex |
$orange | #ffa52c | orange portion | hex |
$yellow | #ffff41 | yellow portion | hex |
$green | #008018 | green portion | hex |
$blue | #0000f9 | blue portion | hex |
$purple | #86007d | purple portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-pride-black: ...
$gaydients-pride-brown: ...
$gaydients-pride-red: ...
$gaydients-pride-orange: ...
$gaydients-pride-yellow: ...
$gaydients-pride-green: ...
$gaydients-pride-blue: ...
$gaydients-pride-purple: ...
$gaydients-pride-opacity: ...
$gaydients-pride-degrees: ...
$gaydients-pride-chunk: ...
function used to generate trans flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$blue | #55cdfc | blue portion | hex |
$pink | #f7a8b8 | pink portion | hex |
$white | #fff | white portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-trans-blue: ...
$gaydients-trans-pink: ...
$gaydients-trans-white: ...
$gaydients-trans-opacity: ...
$gaydients-trans-degrees: ...
$gaydients-trans-chunk: ...
function used to generate non-binary flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$yellow | #fff433 | yellow portion | hex |
$white | #fff | white portion | hex |
$purple | #9b59d0 | purple portion | hex |
$black | #000 | black portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-enby-yellow: ...
$gaydients-enby-white: ...
$gaydients-enby-purple: ...
$gaydients-enby-black: ...
$gaydients-enby-opacity: ...
$gaydients-enby-degrees: ...
$gaydients-enby-chunk: ...
function used to generate genderqueer flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$lavender | #b77fdd | lavendar portion | hex |
$white | #fff | white portion | hex |
$green | #48821e | green portion | hex |
$black | #000 | black portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-genderqueer-lavender: ...
$gaydients-genderqueer-white: ...
$gaydients-genderqueer-green: ...
$gaydients-genderqueer-opacity: ...
$gaydients-genderqueer-degrees: ...
$gaydients-genderqueer-chunk: ...
function used to generate ace flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$black | #000 | black portion | hex |
$grey | #a4a4a4 | grey portion | hex |
$white | #fff | white portion | hex |
$purple | #810081 | purple portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-ace-black: ...
$gaydients-ace-grey: ...
$gaydients-ace-white: ...
$gaydients-ace-purple: ...
$gaydients-ace-opacity: ...
$gaydients-ace-degrees: ...
$gaydients-ace-chunk: ...
function used to generate pansexual flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$pink | #ff1b8d | pink portion | hex |
$yellow | #ffda00 | yellow portion | hex |
$blue | #1bb3ff | blue portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-pansexual-pink: ...
$gaydients-pansexual-yellow: ...
$gaydients-pansexual-blue: ...
$gaydients-pansexual-opacity: ...
$gaydients-pansexual-degrees: ...
$gaydients-pansexual-chunk: ...
function used to generate aro flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$green | #3aa63f | green portion | hex |
$lightgreen | #a8d47a | light green portion | hex |
$white | #ffffff | white portion | hex |
$grey | #aaaaaa | grey portion | hex |
$black | #000000 | black portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-aro-green: ...
$gaydients-aro-lightgreen: ...
$gaydients-aro-white: ...
$gaydients-aro-grey: ...
$gaydients-aro-black: ...
$gaydients-aro-opacity: ...
$gaydients-aro-degrees: ...
$gaydients-aro-chunk: ...
function used to generate agender flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$black | #000000 | black portion | hex |
$white | #a8d47a | white green portion | hex |
$grey | #a4a4a4 | grey portion | hex |
$purple | #810081 | purple portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-agender-black: ...
$gaydients-agender-grey: ...
$gaydients-agender-white: ...
$gaydients-agender-green: ...
$gaydients-agender-opacity: ...
$gaydients-agender-degrees: ...
$gaydients-agender-chunk: ...
function used to generate intersex flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$yellow | #ffda00 | yellow portion | hex |
$purple | #7a00ac | purple green portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$flag | true | determines whether to render a flag or gradient | bool |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-intersex-yellow: ...
$gaydients-intersex-purple: ...
$gaydients-intersex-opacity: ...
$gaydients-intersex-degrees: ...
$gaydients-intersex-chunk: ...
$gaydients-intersex-flag: ...
function used to generate bisexual flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$pink | #d60270 | pink portion | hex |
$purple | #9b4f96 | purple green portion | hex |
$blue | #0038a8 | blue portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$gaydients-bisexual-pink: ...
$gaydients-bisexual-purple: ...
$gaydients-bisexual-blue: ...
$gaydients-bisexual-opacity: ...
$gaydients-bisexual-degrees: ...
$gaydients-bisexual-chunk: ...
function used to generate rainbow flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$red | #ff0018 | red portion | hex |
$orange | #ffa52c | orange portion | hex |
$yellow | #ffff41 | yellow portion | hex |
$green | #008018 | green portion | hex |
$blue | #0000f9 | blue portion | hex |
$purple | #86007d | purple portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-rainbow-red: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-orange: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-yellow: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-green: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-blue: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-purple: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-opacity: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-degrees: ...
$gaydients-rainbow-chunk: ...
function used to generate black trans flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$blue | #55cdfc | blue portion | hex |
$pink | #f7a8b8 | pink portion | hex |
$black | #000000 | black portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-black-trans-blue: ...
$gaydients-black-trans-pink: ...
$gaydients-black-trans-black: ...
$gaydients-black-trans-opacity: ...
$gaydients-black-trans-degrees: ...
$gaydients-black-trans-chunk: ...
function used to generate genderfluid flag
parameter | default value | description | type |
$pink | #FD74A0 | pink portion | hex |
$white | #FFFFFF | pink portion | hex |
$purple | #BE17D7 | black portion | hex |
$black | #000000 | black portion | hex |
$blue | #313DBB | blue portion | hex |
$opacity | 1 | the opacity of each color | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
$degrees | 180deg | degrees at which gradient is rendered | degrees |
$chunk | 1 | how solid each color portion is | number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
these defaults are set through the following variables:
$gaydients-genderfluid-pink: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-white: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-purple: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-black: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-blue: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-opacity: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-degrees: ...
$gaydients-genderfluid-chunk: ...
customizing the gradients for your exact specifications probably involves using both the sass to use the built-in functions and importing your custom values to js for best practices.
there's lots of flags missing! please submit pull requests for new flags, or issues to request specific flags.
this is licensed under GNU GPLv3
change log
version | change |
1.0.4 | add genderqueer flag. |
1.0.3 | add missing classes. |
1.0.2 | add pride flag. add Black trans flag. |
1.0.1 | create file for variables. make all default values variables. |
shout out
shout out to the person who owns i ran across this after building this trying to get a domain name.