Loads job openings from into Gatsby.js. Based on gatsby-source-workable.
npm install gatsby-source-greenhouse
yarn add gatsby-source-greenhouse
To use this source you need to supply a Greenhouse API token. You can create a Greenhouse API token by logging into Greenhouse and going to Configure > Dev Center > API Credential Management > Create New API Key
. Make sure it is type Harvest.
API keys need to be authorized to access specific endpoints. Go to API Credential Management > Manage Permissions
and make sure your key is authorized for the following endpoints:
- Jobs
- Job Posts
- Departments
Next, edit gatsby-config.js
to use the plugin:
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-greenhouse`,
options: {
apiToken: `{API_TOKEN}`,
jobPosts: {
live: true
By default, gatsby-source-greenhouse
will only retrieve job openings that are marked as live. You can change this by passing in false
in the jobPosts
plugin option parameter.
You can query the all JobPost
created by the plugin as follows:
{ allGreenhouseJobPost { edges { node { ... } } }}
You can also query all JobPost
broken out for each department:
{ allGreenhouseDepartment { edges { node { name childrenGreenhouseJobPost { title } } } }}