Easily add the Ackee Tracking script to your Gatsby site.
A Gatsby plugin that interacts with the GraphQL API of Ackee. Should be used to feed your server with data from your visitors.
gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker requires a running Ackee server.
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker
yarn add gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker",
options: {
// Domatin ID found when adding a domain in the admin panel.
// URL to Server eg: "https://analytics.test.com".
server: "https://analytics.test.com",
// Disabled analytic tracking when running localy
ignoreLocalhost: true,
// Enable or disable the tracking of your own visits (as identified by your login to the Ackee dashboard).
ignoreOwnVisits: false,
// If enabled it will collect info on OS, BrowserInfo, Device & ScreenSize
detailed: false,