Yiff Rewrite
An extended wrapper based on Hokkqi's furry API wrapper.
Table of Contents
Furry Wrapper allows you to easily interact with an abundance of web APIs with the aid of axios and ECMAScript 2017's async/await.
With npm:
$ npm install furry-wrapper
With yarn:
$ yarn add furry-wrapper
Try me on RunKit
Simply import the library and use whatever API directly:
const wrapper = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import * as wrapper from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
wrapper.E6([query][, options]).then(r => /* do something */)
Included APIs
API | |
e621 | |
e926 | |
Furry Bot | |
Sheri Blossom | |
Extras |
e621 and e926
To make a request to e621.net:
const { E6 } = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import E6 from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
var query = ['score:>100', 'fox'] // Query can be a
var query = 'sunset rating:safe' // string or array
// Check out the below link for valid query parameters
// https://e926.net/help/cheatsheet
var options // Optional library options
// Request e621 for a post abiding to our query
E6(query, options).then(post => console.log(post))
E6.nsfw(query, options) // The same as E6(query, options)
E6.sfw(query, options) // Uses e926. Will only respond with SFW posts
The E6 module has its own custom options, allowing you to pass in noCub
and overrideTags
in the API options.
E6.nsfw(query, {
// Filters out underage characters
noCub: true,
// Appends additional tags which overide previos tag
overrideTags: 'moon'
Request the Furry Bot API for images:
const { FurryBot } = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import FurryBot from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
var options
// Returns any random SFW image
FurryBot(options).then(r => console.log(r))
/* Animals */
// Returns any random animal image
FurryBot.animals(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a bird
FurryBot.animals.bird(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a "blep"
FurryBot.animals.blep(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a cheeta
FurryBot.animals.cheeta(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a fox
FurryBot.animals.fox(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a lynx
FurryBot.animals.lynx(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a tiger
FurryBot.animals.wolf(options).then(r => console.log(r))
/* Furry */
// Returns any random furry image
FurryBot.furry(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns any random furry yiff image
FurryBot.furry.yiff(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a boop
FurryBot.furry.boop(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a cudd;e
FurryBot.furry.cuddle(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a flop
FurryBot.furry.flop(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a fursuit
FurryBot.furry.fursuit(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a hold
FurryBot.furry.hold(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a howl
FurryBot.furry.howl(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a hug
FurryBot.furry.hug(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a kiss
FurryBot.furry.kiss(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a lick
FurryBot.furry.lick(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a proposal
FurryBot.furry.propose(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of a bulge
FurryBot.furry.bulge(options).then(r => console.log(r))
/* Yiff */
// Returns any random furry yiff image
FurryBot.yiff(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of gay yiff
FurryBot.yiff.gay(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of straight yiff
FurryBot.yiff.straight(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of lesbian yiff
FurryBot.yiff.lesbian(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// Returns a random image of gynomorph yiff
FurryBot.yiff.gynomorph(options).then(r => console.log(r))
Gives a random image of a fox
const { Fox } = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import Fox from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
Fox(options).then(r => console.log(r)) // Link to the image
Even more cute animal pictures:
const { Shibe } = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import Shibe from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
// A picture of a shibe
Shibe(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// The exact same
Shibe.shibe(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// A picture of a cat
Shibe.cat(options).then(r => console.log(r))
// A picture of a bird
Shibe.bird(options).then(r => console.log(r))
Allows you to easily interact with the Sheri API. Sheri has too many endpoints to interact with in an optimised profession, so you will have the use the name of the endpoint. You can find all endpoints here
const { Sheri } = require('furry-wrapper') // CommonJS
import Sheri from "furry-wrapper" // ES6
var endpoint = 'husky' // You can view all endpoints at https://sheri.bot/api/urls
Sheri(endpoint, options).then(r => console.log(r)) // Returns the response
API Options
Additionally, each module allows you to pass in API options to customise your experience a tad more.
var options = {
// Allows you to pass in a token through the authorization header
token: "OGhZVFNVRms6OGhZVFNVRms=",
// The exact same as `token`
// Use your own custom user agent. User agent will always default to your Node.js version and OS name if no agent is provided
agent: 'My Progamme, contact@example.com',
// Allows you to apply your own axios options whenever axios is used.
axiosOptions: {
// Sets a specific amount of time in milliseconds that axios will wait until the requested server responds.
timeout: 1000
// You can find other axios options at https://github.com/axios/axios#request-config