TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.2 • Public • Published


Create a hierarchy map of a filesystem using node's built-in fs.

You can use the CLI or include it directly in your project. It returns a structure that can be used in different contexts like for d3-hierarchy.

Additionally it is possible:

  • to include extra informations like the file extension, the absolute path, the type and stats
  • filter paths and names
  • follow symbolic links
  • in CLI: output in json, yaml or in a tree to stdout or file

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Command line

$ npm install -g fs-hierarchy
$ fs-hierarchy COMMAND
running command...
$ fs-hierarchy (-v|--version|version)
fs-hierarchy/1.2.2 linux-x64 node-v14.15.1
$ fs-hierarchy --help [COMMAND]
  $ fs-hierarchy COMMAND


fs-hierarchy [PATH] [OUTPUT]

Create a hierarchy map of a filesystem using node's built-in fs.

  $ fs-hierarchy [PATH] [OUTPUT]

  PATH    [default: .] path to create a hierarchy from
  OUTPUT  output filename

  -f, --filter=filter                enable filtering for paths (glob), negate by leading '!'
  -h, --help                         show this help
  -i, --include=ext|path|stats|type  the included informations in return object
  -n, --no-empty                     to filter child nodes that have no children

  -o, --format=json|tree|yaml        [default: json] used output format (overwritten if the the output path has a json-
                                     or yml/yaml-extension)

  -r, --root-name=root-name          the used name for the root-folder

  -s, --follow-symlinks              follow symbolic links

  -v, --version                      show the version

See code: src/commands/index.ts

fs-hierarchy help [COMMAND]

display help for fs-hierarchy

  $ fs-hierarchy help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

Programmatic use

$ npm install fs-hierarchy
const { generateHierarchy } = require('fs-hirarchy');

const root = '...';
const options = {...};
const myfiles = generateHierarchy(root, options);


Use the options if want to filter the resulting hierarchy object or want to include extra informations.

name optional type description
filter object use glob filter for the found Leafs or the Nodes. minimatch is used, have a look at the differences
filter.match string glob filter for the absolute path of the found Nodes (negate by leading !)
filter.noEmpty boolean if true and a Node has no children, the node will be not returned
filter.options MinimatchOptions minimatch options for filtering
followSymlinks boolean if true and there is a symlink, it can be tried to follow the link and determine its children if it is a node
include object included in the return object
include.withExtension boolean if true, include the extension in return object (only for Leafs)
include.withPath boolean if true, include the absolute path in return object
include.withStats boolean if true, include stats in return object
include.withType boolean if true, include type in return object
rootName string give the root a name


minimatch options for filtering

name optional type description
debug boolean (false) Dump a ton of stuff to stderr.
dot boolean (true) Allow patterns to match filenames starting with a period, even if the pattern does not explicitly have a period in that spot.
flipNegate boolean (false) Returns from negate expressions the same as if they were not negated. (Ie, true on a hit, false on a miss.)
matchBase boolean (true) If set, then patterns without slashes will be matched against the basename of the path if it contains slashes.
nobrace boolean (false) Do not expand {a,b} and {1..3} brace sets.
nocase boolean (false) Perform a case-insensitive match.
nocomment boolean (false) Suppress the behavior of treating # at the start of a pattern as a comment.
noext boolean (false) Disable "extglob" style patterns like +(a
noglobstar boolean (false) Disable ** matching against multiple folder names.
nonegate boolean (false) Suppress the behavior of treating a leading ! character as negation.
nonull boolean (false) When a match is not found by minimatch.match, return a list containing the pattern itself if this option is set. Otherwise, an empty list is returned if there are no matches.


As a return (when using json or yaml as the output format) there are certain properties available by default. Optional it is possible to include some extra properties.


Leaf, Node


Node-structure of the hierarchy map

name optional type description
children array ([]) children of the node
name string the name of the entry (without the base path)
path string optionally included absolute path
stats Stats optionally included stats
type Types optionally included type in the filesystem


Leaf-structure of the hierarchy map

name optional type description
extension string optionally included extension (only for Leafs)
name string the name of the entry (without the base path)
path string optionally included absolute path
stats Stats optionally included stats
type Types optionally included type in the filesystem


Types of a Leaf or Node entry

  • block-device
  • char-device
  • dir
  • file
  • pipe
  • socket
  • symlink


name optional type description
atime string Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times.
atimeMs number
birthtime string Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times.
birthtimeMs number
blksize number
blocks number
ctime string Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times.
ctimeMs number
dev number
gid number
ino number
mode number
mtime string Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times.
mtimeMs number
nlink number
rdev number
size number
uid number



$ fs-hierarchy ./src
  "name": "./src",
  "children": [
      "name": "commands",
      "children": [
          "name": "index.ts"
      "name": "index.ts"
      "name": "lib",
      "children": [
          "name": "format",
          "children": [
              "name": "index.ts"
              "name": "json.ts"
              "name": "tree.ts"
              "name": "yaml.ts"
          "name": "hierarchy",
          "children": [
              "name": "factories.ts"
              "name": "index.ts"
              "name": "read-dir.ts"
          "name": "typeguards.ts"
          "name": "write",
          "children": [
              "name": "file.ts"
              "name": "index.ts"
              "name": "stdout.ts"
      "name": "types.ts"

with extension, path, type & stats

$ fs-hierarchy ./test -i ext path type stats
  "name": "./test",
  "path": "/home/buddy/projects/fs-hierarchy/test",
  "type": "dir",
  "stats": {
    "dev": 2051,
    "mode": 16893,
    "nlink": 2,
    "uid": 1000,
    "gid": 1000,
    "rdev": 0,
    "blksize": 4096,
    "ino": 2500760,
    "size": 4096,
    "blocks": 8,
    "atimeMs": 1591515507954.0964,
    "mtimeMs": 1590655938999.0305,
    "ctimeMs": 1590655938999.0305,
    "birthtimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
    "atime": "2020-06-07T07:38:27.954Z",
    "mtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:18.999Z",
    "ctime": "2020-05-28T08:52:18.999Z",
    "birthtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z"
  "children": [
      "name": "index.test.ts",
      "path": "/home/buddy/projects/fs-hierarchy/test/index.test.ts",
      "extension": ".ts",
      "type": "file",
      "stats": {
        "dev": 2051,
        "mode": 33204,
        "nlink": 1,
        "uid": 1000,
        "gid": 1000,
        "rdev": 0,
        "blksize": 4096,
        "ino": 2500771,
        "size": 426,
        "blocks": 8,
        "atimeMs": 1591517214816.851,
        "mtimeMs": 1590706118297.9292,
        "ctimeMs": 1590706118297.9292,
        "birthtimeMs": 1590655938999.0305,
        "atime": "2020-06-07T08:06:54.817Z",
        "mtime": "2020-05-28T22:48:38.298Z",
        "ctime": "2020-05-28T22:48:38.298Z",
        "birthtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:18.999Z"
      "name": "mocha.opts",
      "path": "/home/buddy/projects/fs-hierarchy/test/mocha.opts",
      "extension": ".opts",
      "type": "file",
      "stats": {
        "dev": 2051,
        "mode": 33204,
        "nlink": 1,
        "uid": 1000,
        "gid": 1000,
        "rdev": 0,
        "blksize": 4096,
        "ino": 2500764,
        "size": 92,
        "blocks": 8,
        "atimeMs": 1591517214816.851,
        "mtimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "ctimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "birthtimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "atime": "2020-06-07T08:06:54.817Z",
        "mtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z",
        "ctime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z",
        "birthtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z"
      "name": "tsconfig.json",
      "path": "/home/buddy/projects/fs-hierarchy/test/tsconfig.json",
      "extension": ".json",
      "type": "file",
      "stats": {
        "dev": 2051,
        "mode": 33204,
        "nlink": 1,
        "uid": 1000,
        "gid": 1000,
        "rdev": 0,
        "blksize": 4096,
        "ino": 2500761,
        "size": 120,
        "blocks": 8,
        "atimeMs": 1591517214816.851,
        "mtimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "ctimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "birthtimeMs": 1590655929458.9397,
        "atime": "2020-06-07T08:06:54.817Z",
        "mtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z",
        "ctime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z",
        "birthtime": "2020-05-28T08:52:09.459Z"


$ fs-hierarchy ./src -o yaml
name: "./src"
  - name: "commands"
      - name: "index.ts"
  - name: "index.ts"
  - name: "lib"
      - name: "format"
          - name: "index.ts"
          - name: "json.ts"
          - name: "tree.ts"
          - name: "yaml.ts"
      - name: "hierarchy"
          - name: "factories.ts"
          - name: "index.ts"
          - name: "read-dir.ts"
      - name: "typeguards.ts"
      - name: "write"
          - name: "file.ts"
          - name: "index.ts"
          - name: "stdout.ts"
  - name: "types.ts"


$ fs-hierarchy ./src -o tree
 ├─ commands
 │  ╰─ index.ts
 ├─ index.ts
 ├─ lib
 │  ├─ format
 │  │  ├─ index.ts
 │  │  ├─ json.ts
 │  │  ├─ tree.ts
 │  │  ╰─ yaml.ts
 │  ├─ hierarchy
 │  │  ├─ factories.ts
 │  │  ├─ index.ts
 │  │  ╰─ read-dir.ts
 │  ├─ typeguards.ts
 │  ╰─ write
 │     ├─ file.ts
 │     ├─ index.ts
 │     ╰─ stdout.ts
 ╰─ types.ts


match files

$ fs-hierarchy ./src --filter 'index.ts'
  "name": "./src",
  "children": [
      "name": "commands",
      "children": [
          "name": "index.ts"
      "name": "index.ts"
      "name": "lib",
      "children": [
          "name": "format",
          "children": [
              "name": "index.ts"
          "name": "hierarchy",
          "children": [
              "name": "index.ts"
          "name": "write",
          "children": [
              "name": "index.ts"

match (including empty nodes)

$ fs-hierarchy ./src -o tree -f '**/format/*'
 ├╌ commands
 ╰─ lib
    ├─ format
    │  ├─ index.ts
    │  ├─ json.ts
    │  ├─ tree.ts
    │  ╰─ yaml.ts
    ├╌ hierarchy
    ╰╌ write

filter empty nodes

$ fs-hierarchy ./src -o tree --no-empty -f '**/format/*'
 ╰─ lib
    ╰─ format
       ├─ index.ts
       ├─ json.ts
       ├─ tree.ts
       ╰─ yaml.ts

glob pattern list

$ fs-hierarchy ./src -o tree -f '*@(e|x).ts'
 ├─ commands
 │  ╰─ index.ts
 ├─ index.ts
 ╰─ lib
    ├─ format
    │  ├─ index.ts
    │  ╰─ tree.ts
    ├─ hierarchy
    │  ╰─ index.ts
    ╰─ write
       ├─ file.ts
       ╰─ index.ts

glob brace expansion

$ fs-hierarchy ./ -o tree -n -f '**/{utils,lib}/index.d.ts'
 ├─ lib
 │  ╰─ index.d.ts
 ╰─ node_modules
    ├─ @microsoft
    │  ├─ tsdoc
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ╰─ tsdoc-config
    │     ╰─ lib
    │        ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ @nodelib
    │  ╰─ fs.scandir
    │     ╰─ out
    │        ╰─ utils
    │           ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ @oclif
    │  ├─ command
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ├─ config
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ├─ dev-cli
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ├─ errors
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ├─ parser
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ├─ plugin-help
    │  │  ╰─ lib
    │  │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    │  ╰─ test
    │     ╰─ lib
    │        ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ @typescript-eslint
    │  ╰─ scope-manager
    │     ╰─ dist
    │        ╰─ lib
    │           ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ cli-ux
    │  ╰─ lib
    │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ eslint-plugin-tsdoc
    │  ╰─ lib
    │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ fancy-test
    │  ╰─ lib
    │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ fast-glob
    │  ╰─ out
    │     ╰─ utils
    │        ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ mock-stdin
    │  ╰─ lib
    │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    ├─ qqjs
    │  ╰─ lib
    │     ╰─ index.d.ts
    ╰─ stdout-stderr
       ╰─ lib
          ╰─ index.d.ts

glob negation

$ fs-hierarchy ./ -o tree -nf '!**/{lib,.git,node_modules}/**'
 ├─ .editorconfig
 ├─ .eslintignore
 ├─ .eslintrc
 ├─ .gitattributes
 ├─ .gitignore
 ├─ .prettierrc
 ├─ .vscode
 │  ╰─ settings.json
 ├─ README.md
 ├─ bin
 │  ├─ run
 │  ╰─ run.cmd
 ├─ docker
 │  ├─ Dockerfile
 │  ╰─ README.md
 ├─ oclif.manifest.json
 ├─ package-lock.json
 ├─ package.json
 ├─ src
 │  ├─ cli.ts
 │  ├─ commands
 │  │  ╰─ index.ts
 │  ├─ index.ts
 │  ╰─ types.ts
 ├─ test
 │  ├─ index.test.ts
 │  ├─ mocha.opts
 │  ╰─ tsconfig.json
 ├─ tsconfig.json
 ╰─ utils
    ╰─ readme.js

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npm i fs-hierarchy

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  • fooloomanzoo